Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fall is almost here

Day 1319 - the first rain of the season; not a serious one but still, about two months ahead of norm so it's a big deal. You can already feel the fall creeping in. The nights are cooler, the first leaves starting to change colors and the days are shorter. But rain is a different story altogether. Last year was very dry so I hope this early rain is a sign for a good year to come. We live in a very dry country so we live by the amount of rain we get, so this is big news. And we learn to appreciate and live every drop of rain. So, today we had the first rain of the season, big news, my friends. Still it's early in the season so the rest of the day was hot and muggy, but it's already getting cooler again, as the hours pass and the night deepens. I love this season, the feeling of early fall. It's not so dramatic like in New England but still pretty and special. I am thankful for the reminder of the passing of the seasons. I am thankful for this little hint of early fall. I am thankful for an amazing month at the store, our very best yet; it will be a real challenge to follow.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

A very special weekend

Day 1318 - A weekend spent with the man I love. A walk on the beach yesterday until very late, a day trip today and just being together with no work and daily commitments is very special indeed. We are together almost two years now, and what I am realizing is that our relationship is getting better with time. That instead of getting into some kind of a routine we keep it fresh and intense, and being 56 years old I know it's not a given. I've been in relationship before and I know that time is its worst enemy, that routine is killing the love and romance. And here things are only getting better and our love deeper and more meaningful. I hope we will be smart enough to keep it that way for a very long time. I wrote on my Bucket list that I want to experience a big love before I die, I think I can mark it as "done". I am so thankful for his presence in my life, for blessings more than I thought possible.

Friday, August 29, 2014

About adult children

Day 1317 - still under the impression of my son's accident. He sent me pictures today and I'm glad I talked to him before I saw pictures of the car he was in. It sure is scary. I started reading about concussions so I understand a little more what it means and it's not funny; it's a brain injury and it has to be taken seriously. I told him that but he is not doing enough to follow the instructions his doctors gave him. All I can do is to hope he'll be ok. It's not easy to be parents to older kids, they don't have to listen to us anymore and can so what ever they please. And we have to sit back, take a deep breath and let them make all the decision without our interference. We did it back then, when we were their age; now it's their time to do that just as well.
I am thankful my son is doing well and got lucky with only minor injuries. I am thankful to see him making decisions about his health and his life and like every parent I pray they'll be the right ones.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

An accident

Day 1316 - I got a call from my son today that he was involved in a car accident, that the car was totaled and he got a concussion. It sure isn't something I want to hear in a phone call from the other side of the world. But he is alive and unharmed other than the cuncussion so we all have to be thankful for that, it could have ended badly.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 1315 -

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Taking it to the next stage

Day 1314 - we are almost done with new materials in my numerology class. It's not that we know everything but we are in the basic class and the rest will be covered in the advance class. Now we are learning how to put it all together. So for two hours we worked on one case and looked at it from every direction. It's so interesting and so amazing, to see how everything falls into ace, how fate and the person play their parts. We have one more class like that and than we start a mini seminar of five weeks with real people, not from our class that we will analyze. At the end if that we will be in a position to be a beginner reader. How exciting!!
I am so thankful I decided to take this class; so thankful to a new world unfolding in front if me. I am thankful for this unique opportunity to connect with higher order and hopefully the ability to put it to good use and help people make better choices. I am so thankful for all this class is doing for me, for places it lifts me; for the gifts I receive.

Letting go of the past

Day 1313 - I could not post my blog yesterday, so here I am a little late, but still live and kicking and most important of all still thankful for every day I live here, on our beautiful planet.
I reading a lot, as always, I guess it's just a part of who I am. I can never see myself without some form of a reading material within reach and with this habit many realizations are just waiting behind the corner to pop into my life and change something; be it a way I look at a situation, evaluate things, consider my wants and needs, the way I look at life in general. And as I am getting more and more into the enormous world of mysticism I see things differently. It sometimes questions my very core beliefs and I love it. I love it when I have to re-consider things I took for granted, I feel it keeps my mind working and prevent me from being stuck. Nothing is a taboo, nothing is sacred in our set of beliefs and it's really good to shake it well every once in a while, to see what still works and what can I part with, and what I can add that will make my journey more profound and meaningful. Sometimes I struggle with an idea for a long time before I make a decision if it's right for me. One such subject is the act of letting go of the past. Be it a good memory or a bad one; a person that hurt or disappointed; a person who was good but is no longer in my life or any other issue that I carry with me for no reason. I read about this a long time ago that when our "truck" is too full with "garbage" we carry with us we have no room for new experiences in life, that we have to "unload our truck" and be lighter and more open. It sounds very logical but I also knew right away that this is a heavy one and it will take me a long time to be able to adopt it and make it part of my life. But as time goes by I make small steps in this direction, I let go of stuff that I kept for no reason for years and carried it with me even across the big ocean and in great expense. I only try to imagine how heavy is the mental load of such a baggage, what is the toll it takes on my soul and my mind. But as hard as it is, I do the work and one by one I let go of memories no longer needed, of people that their contribution to my life is negative and I keep them there only because it is difficult to let go. And with every little thing or memory I let go I am thankful, I feel stronger and more assure of myself, no longer bound by a past I cannot change and don't need in the present. More free to make decisions from where I am now on my path and not from where I used to be. I did one more act of letting go today and it feels so good, so right. It's time to put the past where it belongs and move on.

I am thankful for lessons, for challenges, for opportunities to learn what I am made of and what I am capable of doing. I am thankful for my past but I made a decision to let it go and be free at last. I am thankful for every day of my life.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

an hairloom recipe

Day 1312 - many years ago, way before it became a right of passage, my grandfather visited India for a few months in search of new plants that he was planning to acclimate in our then very young country. He brought mango and few other things but most important of all for our family was a very special recipe of chutney. I used to love it when my grandma made it but then they both died and I grew up and I thought this recipe was gone forever. I lived for many years abroad near a very large Indian community but never found a chutney that even remotely reminded me of this legendary one. and then, few years ago I found out that my mom has it and I was able to taste this divine condiment again. and today, after several years of saying "I really should make my own chutney" I finally did!! and it's not difficult, as long as you plan it ahead of time and have all the ingredients. I don't know why I had such a barrier but it's finally here with few large jars full to the brim and I cannot wait for tomorrow to make fresh rice and eat it. I was talking yesterday about enjoying the little things, well, I am so very happy I did it and from now on it will become a regular thing to make chutney. My beloved grandparents are long gone, but tonight and I am a little closer to them, thinking of them fondly.
life is in the details and tonight I am so thankful I finally decided to make a stand and do it myself.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

it's about time

Day 1311 - We  watched a very cute movie - "about time" it talks about living your life to the fullest, every day of it. Not by re-living the days but by doing it right, by being present in our life, appreciating how lucky we are and acknowledging how special every moment is and not letting it slip by un-noticed. I want to live this way as much as I could, I think this is why we are here for. To make it right, to make it matter, to make every moment shine. I would love to come to my final moments knowing that there is very little I would change, a that I have lived a good, meaningful life. what a lovely movie, what a wonderful way to live by.
I am thankful for this reminder, it is so easy to forget and I hope I never will, not for too many days anyway.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday night and I'm tired

Day 1310 - an evening with my daughter. I'm so tired though. I hope I'll be in a better shape tomorrow. Still it's nice having her here, as tired as I am. She is moving further south next week so this is our last meeting before she moves. She's all grown up and making grown up decisions. I enjoy seeing that. It's very special for a parent to see his/her kids as adults. I feel so lucky to be here and be part of that. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

An early call

Day 1309 - this morning at 9 am we got a phone call from someone that was waiting outside our store. He wanted to buy something and was checking when are we'll be there. we live only few minutes away and we were on our way out when he called. In no time we were there and could help him right away. It is the first time we are being called this way, having a client waiting for us and it's really nice. It's just one more evidence to show our store is making waves and people are starting to notice us and talk about us. Mystic store is not exactly main stream business, thus slower to penetrate and establish itself. But every day we see in more ways that we are doing well, that we are catching the attention of the right people and it ripples. We have as a next door neighbor a tattoo store and people are calling them all the time, it feels good to be in this situation for the first time also. I wish for many more of those calls. and the sells info still climbing the charts we are already 25% over our best month and we still have 9 days to go. I sure hope we are going to move into black for the first time.
I am thankful for every person that gets into our store, for this very special phone call and hope for many more. I am thankful for another good day at the store and in life.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A very short entry

Day 1308 - a good day in the store, a very long day though, and I am very tired so just a brief entry. To recognize a day that past and will never be here again. Just to never fail to that for what I have, for all the amazing gifts in my life. I feel so lucky and blessed.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A lucky choice

Day 1307 - another Tuesday brings with it another numerology class and I, like every week, is amazed at the accuracy of its analysis. At the power, thus responsibility, that is given to me. I find myself every week driving the one hour long way back home after a very long day, so excited and invigorated with the new knowledge, with the new discoveries of the possibilities and the endless information we can get from something so simple as one's birth date and name. And now we also start getting the analysis tools to help people make better choices and even heal. And this is where things are getting exciting. The idea I can help family, friends and strangers is something I like very much. I took this class because it works well into the theme of a mystic store, I didn't think it will be what it turned out to be. A tool for self development and help others do that as well.
I am thankful for this choice, for the rewards I get for walking this path. I promise to use it wisely and to the benefit of others.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Fleeting moments

Day 1306 - Monday night and it's almost midnight. Time to go to sleep before another long day. But every passing day brings with it new clients, new and more activity at the store and it makes me very happy. Every day brings with it new promises and new possibilities in every aspect of my life and I love that. I try to live a little better, do something good for my soul every day and enjoy every day as much as possible. Each day is a fleeting gift that will never come back. And our days here are numbered so we better make the best use of what we've got. I feel that my life is full to the brim with all the goodness around me. I am so blessed. And I am so very thankful for that. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The right timing

Day 1305 - I started reading the book "seven spiritual laws of success" again, years after I last read it. I am in a very different place on my spiritual journey now and so I see and understand very different things now. It is a very interesting experience to revisit something years later and look at it in new eyes. So I believe everything happens for a reason. It was not a coinsidence that I picked up the book yesterday. It was just what I needed at that very junction. And so I started my morning with practice for the first law. Meditation in nature. I did not meditate now for a very long time so my mind was racing as I was trying to bring it to stillness but I know that this is how it all starts and if I'll stick to it the calm will come. It's just funny to observe the endless chatter in my mind that during the day I am not so aware of. So I'll try to practice silence and meditation in the next few weeks before moving to the next law; this time I want to be part of the change and not just read about it and understand it but not witness it.
I am thankful this book came back into my life in the right moment. I am thankful for intervention I don't understand but want to be part of.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Following a dream

Day 1304 - Saturday of rest after a very long and very satisfying week. and, as always, it gives the energy for another very long week which I hope will be good as well. We are in an uncharted territory and I have to admit, it is a very exciting ground to walk on. Of course, it raise the bar tremendously for next month to surpass but I'll worry about that when the time comes. Right now I enjoy the see the numbers climbing and to see us getting closer and closer to black. I don't want to jinx it so nothing more about it, but I am thankful for what ever comes my way. For many months I believed in this dream when it was so far away; we started it from scratch, no reputation, no special knowledge and in a very small and challenging field just a dream and the guts to go for it, and it's so very special to see it slowly materializing. I am so very thankful for that.

Friday, August 15, 2014

An alert

Day 1303 - my mom called me yesterday while I was at work to tell me that she is at the ER after a suspicious ECG and few more symptoms. Few hours later she called to let me know they are keeping her there for the night. Today they discharged her. But it's one more reminder that they are getting older and their time here is slowly coming to its end. It's a reminder not to fall asleep on our watch; not to take anything for granted. Not with them and not with anyone else. Our days here are numbered and a day that past and we didn't make the best of it is a day wasted that we'll never be able to replay. So we better do it right.

I am thankful my mom is doing better and I hope she'll stay like that for a very long time. Amen.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Keeping the faith

Day 1302 - today was our best day in the store so far. In one day we had the income of a third of a month. We keep saying that it has a great potential; that we created something so very special and we just have to reach the right people. We know all that but it takes time and patience and it is very frustrating to see this store and have days that barely anyone comes in. And than we get a day like today that affirms what we thought. A reward for our hard work and our unwavering faith. This store will be a beacon for mystic and crystals lovers from all over the north part of our country.
I am thankful beyond word for this day, for this demonstration of what we have in our hand.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A lovely evening walk

Day 1301 - Wednesday is my walk back home day. It's good after so many hours sitting in the store to take this half an hour walk. It's summer here so even at 9 pm it's still warm and very humid so by the time I get home I'm quite sweaty, but sweat is temporary and the benefit of this walk are long lasting. I'm too busy during the week to do more workout so I take every chance I have to do something. Like Friday walk on the beach or this night walk. And I'll try to do more whenever I can.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Day 1300 - another big milestone. This blog is 1300 days old or translated into more meaningful numbers it's 3 years, 6 months and 22 days old. I might have mis-counted a few numbers but anyway you look at it, this is a serious achievement. True, there are days when only the commitment keeps me going. But there are days I can't wait to write; so it balances it out. And today, as tired as I am after my class, I allow myself a little celebration.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Life is in the details...

Day 1299 - this morning we decided we are a little more hungry than usual and we had enough time to make a real breakfast with salad and eggs and cheeses, the real deal. It was so lovely to sit outside in our little patio, between all our plants and hear people in a hurry while we had all the time we needed. We work long hours and we are never home before 8 pm so a relaxed morning is something we should strive for. For some reason it never occurred to us until today that we can have more than just coffee. The important thing is that we finally got it. And sure enough, a healthy breakfast led to a day full of energy where I was not falling asleep at the early afternoon as usual. And now I cannot wait to repeat this treat again. I see it at so many junctions if life - the real joy is in the little things, in daily activities when we do it a little differently and not really in the extravaganza activities. And it's so much more accessible and so much more right to look just around us and find that joy instead of traveling to the end of the world in the search for the lost and missing pleasure and fun in our life. Life is in the details, what else.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Just do it

Day 1298 - some days I really have nothing special to write and it's so tempting to decide to stop writing this blog but I made a commitment and I am gonna stick to it especially when it's challenging. So I had a very good day at the store and in days like that its so easy to start believing our dream is materializing in front of us; but I know we cannot sit on our laurels, I know we still have a long uphill battle. Still it's nice to see the stream of clients and appreciate the verity they bought today. So the fact I don't feel like writing has nothing to do with the reality of my daily life, just a mood, maybe laziness and this is where commitment clicks in. It doesn't really matter whether I want to write or not; I just do it.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 1297 - I drive  to the big city to see my daughter and my little nephew who was born four months ago and I didn't see yet.

Friday, August 8, 2014

A sea shore fun

Day 1296 - a long walk on the shore is a welcome change to our routine. The weather was perfect and the water beautiful. The afternoon and early evening hours are just the best time to do that. So for almost two hours we walked while singing songs and then we went to our favorite cafe and stayed there for four more hours. What a lovely way to spend Friday eve.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Venturing out

Day 1295 - I held a booth in the mall again. Now that I only work at the store I can do that and I think it was a very good thing. I had a pretty good day sales wise but even more iportantly is the fact that I could talk with by standees about the courses we offer and some might even join. I see a very big difference in the behavior of people on Thursday eve and Friday morning. They are not so much in a hurry and are ready to engage in conversation and since this is the main reason I am holding a booth there it means I am much more effective on a Thursday. It's a very long day but totally worth giving it a shot.
I am thankful for a good and productive day. I am thankful to be able to go to sleep a little after midnight before waking up to a new mall day. I am thankful for everything I have in my life; for my life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Day 1294 - we were sitting outside and talking tonight. And when we checked the time we realized it is 1:30 am. It's gonna be a very short night!! But instead of complaining I am actually happy with that fact - I have a partner I can spend a whole day with and we still have so much to talk about and not get board. I know how much this is not a given and I am so thankful for that.. .

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 1293 - a cease fire started this morning at 8 am. Sadly, with heavy bombarding on us just before the set time. But it started and now we have to wait and see if the negotiation can take it from we're the military action stopped. I sure hope it will and the war will be over. Since its Tuesday I had my numerology class and I used the trip to go and get a hair cut after almost two years I didn't do that and I have to admit, I like the result. So here we go, life is slowly getting back to normal for most of us but for sure this is not the case for the families if the 65 fallen soldiers and the families of the injured ones. It is also not normal for all the people who lost their houses.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 1292 - today is the eve of the to commemorate the distraction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem more than 2000 years ago. It is a day of fasting and praying for religious people, which I am not. But all businesses have to close at 6 pm. And so we got a short day and had the pleasure of being home way before sunset.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A good day at the store

Day 1291 - our army started withdrawing from Gaza with no agreement about cease fire which causes a very big controversy within our nation. One thing for sure people breath easier as their loved ones are out if this horns' nest. We could see it in the store where a lot of people came in to buy things after a very quite month while the war was going on. It's one side of a war I was never aware of as I was never an owner of a business, thus subjected to the ebbs and flows of economical changes.  And in our country there are many. In the past month, as the war was going on people were not really in the mood for shopping, especially something like ours - a mystic store. We still managed to pass the income of the month before but we could feel the slowing down. So it is a nice and encouraging to see the flow of new people and returning customers alike that frequent our store yesterday. I hope the trend will continue.
I am thankful for a very good day at the store.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Visiting my parents

Day 1290 - visiting my parents with my daughter and the son if my brother. The boy lives abroad and came for a visit. It was interesting to hear his point of view and of course to see how someone who is not used to the reality if life in this crazy corner of the world see it. But most if all it was good to see him, to see my parents,  to see my sister and her family, to see my aunt and ancle who cane to visit as well and most of all to see my daughter. We had a very nice day, and they are both in good shape so I'm happy about that. I live more than three hits away so I sure don't make the trip often enough but I am very happy for every time I do go and get to see them. And my dad improved a lot since last time so I'm happy about that as well. A good weekend in the middle of all the craziness, few hours of rest  so I am very thankful for that as well.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 26

Day 1289 - the war is still going on and during a cease fire they kidnapped a soldier and killed two more. And no end in sight...
My numerology teacher thinks that it will take more than a month and a half until a solution will be found and that Hamas will lose its hold over Gaza. I still don't know how to calculate that but I sure hope he is right and something good will come out of all this mess. I sure hope that innocent people will be able to go to sleep at night without worrying about their safety. It's difficult for us at the home front where we have a comfortable bed and showers and no real danger for most part, I cannot even imagine how hard it is for our soldiers to be on the battle fields with full gear at this heat when they are under fire for almost a month now. How hard it is to see the things they have to see there, to be under constant state of immense danger, to see fallen and injured friends and to keep going strong. I admire these young brave men that are protecting our country with their own bodies. It's a debt we'll never be able to pay back. But we all know that if not for their courageous fights it could have been a disastrous scenario here in a few months. So I pray tonight, like every night for the safety of all our soldiers and I thank them so very much for what they do for us.