Market Day
Day 825 - Ever since my partner moved here we buy our groceries in the open market. I love the atmosphere there and the produce are always very fresh, much more than in the supermarket and on top of it the prices are less than half. So we made it a habit to go once a week or every ten days and do our shopping there. Sometimes he goes there earlier and I come from work to pick him up with all the bags and sometimes I join him and have an opportunity to enjoy the very unique experience, Where I lived abroad there was a framers' market once a week but it's not the same as this down to earth and very vibrant market. By now the sellers know us and are always ready to help - keep our bags until we are ready to leave, or give us the best produce. As we are wrapping up our lives here in this city, it makes me sad to leave this behind. Maybe once a week I'll come with my car so we can still enjoy the market, or maybe we'll have to find another one closer to our new town. Part of the ritual after coming home is to put everything into our tiny refrigerator and than eat some of the goodies, drink grapefruit juice. and today was no exception. It makes me so happy that so much good and healthy food is making its way into my plate and into my body, all things I didn't do before; all thanks to my boyfriend. So it enriches my life in one more way that I never really considered while counting my blessings...
I am thankful to yet another "market day" full of colors and tastes and smells. I am thankful for healthy food, healthy habits, healthy lifestyle,I am thankful to my partner for introducing me to all that after being disconnected for so many years.
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