Sunday, November 24, 2013

Back to the drawing board

Day 1039 - we had a meeting this morning with the company we chose to make our sign. We worked with them for about an hour and came out with something we thought was good. And we drove back to the store very satisfied that in a week or so we will have a sign and people will start seeing us from afar. But I got a bad review from a friend at work and my partner got a much more criticizing one from our next door neighbors who is a graticule designer. In short we realized that we went too safe and we are lucky to have these guys to open our eyes before we made a mistake. Their job is to push us were we are reluctant to go. Or lack the imagination to do so and sadly it didn't happen. But all is good and we just rethink it all, back to the drawing board.
I am thankful to our neighbors for their honesty and will to open our eyes. I am thankful even more for their help in designing our new sign, just out of kindness. I am thankful the universe is taking care if us. And sends angels our way to watch over us.

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