Day 355 – Yesterday was such a beautiful day and we went on a hike. This morning very early all hell broke loose. There was huge thunderstorm, complete with hail and later torrential rain. But two hours later the sky cleared and then it became a very pleasant and so it was until late afternoon. But by the time I drove back home the wind picked up and by now it is very rainy again. It supposes to stay like that for the next few days, including Saturday. This year the rains started early on but than we had a long period of no rains at all. But finally things started to change, last week we had few days of rain and this week supposed to have even more rains. Living on the edge of the desert makes one very aware of the water situation, and counting how mm of rains we had becomes a national sport during the winter. So as much as I like days of sun and blue skies, I am happy it is rainy outside right now. And I secretly hope it will follow the pattern of rains at night when I am deep under my warm blanket and a very nice and welcoming day during my awaking hours, or at least during my going to and from work. But if I cannot choose that, at least I can be happy that yesterday was such an amazing day, perfect for a Saturday morning.I just realized we had only about 46% from the average for the entire season, which will be translated to many more days of rain during the next two months. We all keep our fingers crossed that this will actually happen.
I am thankful we got to go yesterday on a wonderful hike in perfect weather. I am thankful for all the rains we had in the last week. I am thankful they all came down without making me wet; I am thankful I going to dive under the covers in a few minutes and will not get out of it until tomorrow morning. I am thankful for a warm bed, soft covers and before anything else - a very hot shower I am about to take. Good Night.
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