Day 484 – Apparently, 3 hours of sleep are not enough for me anymore. And after having way too much fun yesterday I am opting for a very quiet evening and a very early bed time. Not only was I tired, I also forgot a very important meeting I had this morning and I set my alarm clock for exactly the same time I was already supposed to meet a group of visitors. I jumped out of bed and I think I set a new world record of how fast one can get ready to work and get out the door and still look representable. I managed to do serious damage control and reduce the effect of my short comings today; I was very level headed, and while driving I called several people to cover for me what had to be taken care until I arrived at work. But I was very upset with myself. Something like this never happened to me before and it shouldn’t have. I learned my lesson – even if I go out in the middle of the week I am coming back home in a normal hour and definitely not so late. And I’ll check my schedule for the next day before going out, when I am not too tired to remember how my next day looks like.
The first step in the AAA program is to admit to being powerless - I admit being powerless against this evil voice in me who tempts me every time to push my bed time a little further into non-existence, that tempts me to do other things instead of sleeping. I am powerless against it, but tonight I am going to take an active step in the right direction. It is 8:30 pm and I am posting my blog and getting ready to bed. Good Night.
I am thankful I managed to put off the fire, but I am still not happy it happened. I am thankful I had so much work today I didn’t have time to dwell on these hard feelings; although I think the overload I am in right now is part of why it happened to begin with. I am thankful I had so much fun yesterday, even when I know the end of the story. I am thankful I can go to sleep now, I am so, so tired.
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