The devil
Day 691 - I was reading today the devil card. It talks about our inner demons. As one embarks on the path of self discovery these demons will raise their ugly heads as well. With every step I take forward, with every new truth I find, they will try to pull me back to where I was before, or pull me into new traps and detours. It is part of the journey to uncover these negative forces and influences in my life, both internal and external and deal with them until they are no longer a threat to me. The main problem is of course to unveil them. they are so good at disguise, they look so innocent, they pretend that it is best for me. So now I have to sit back and check my everyday life, my assumptions and the little voices whispering in my ear and separate the good from the bad, keep the first and solve the later. Now I have to find out what are my demons, what is holding back from getting forward on my journey for self discovery, of fulfillment. Only by giving them name and face, only by bringing it out of the unconscious mind and into the light I can make them go away, I can clear my path and go forward. So far I feel this is one of the most difficult tasks and I feel a little uneasy - facing my demons, brrrr.
I am thankful for one more card, one more set of instructions, one more suggestion of how to make my life better. I am thankful for the challenges and the little triumphs. I am thankful for even attempting to take steps in the right directions. I am thankful for one more wonderful day.
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