Thursday, October 31, 2013

About personal courage

Day 1015 - my partner finished his last day of work at his all job and as of tomorrow he is full time with our store. I thought about it a lot today. About the courage to go with what your heart tells you with no fall back plan. I think it is the only way to succeed, being fully committed. And I admire that. He has the courage and the moral integrity to do things like that and I think it's one of his best traits, personal integrity. I cannot do the same right now since we cannot expect to earn the value of two salaried in the first few months. This way I bring in my salary and it gives us some stability while working on establishing the store. I look at this man and I feel so lucky to have him in my life and as my partner, not many people have the strength of character and qualities he had; I look at him and I bless every day we have together. I can only hope that at trying times, that I'm sure will come, I will be able to stand as strong and whole as he does. I know I learn so much from him and I hope it will be with me at those junctions. But today is a time of celebration, we are embarking on a new adventure together and we are full of conviction it will be part of our lives for many years to come.

I am thankful for arriving to this important mile stone. I am thankful that I am actively taking care of my future and not sit and wait for things to come my way. I am thankful I have this amazing man in my life. I am thankful for all the blessings bestowed on me.

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