About sleep, like every day this week...
Day 1006 - I went to sleep yesterday at 11:30 pm and slept for 8 hours; and had a good night sleep. What a treat!! still I was tired as the day progresses and by the time I left work I could barely keep my eyes open. But I came home very late, only at 11 pm and still had to eat something so now it is 4 minutes to 12 (yes, midnight) which means that there is no chance for another 8 hours night, but I'll do my best to finish writing it as fast as possible and go to bed. It's so difficult to keep to a normal sleeping pattern when I work these long hours. It doesn't leave time for much else. I will have to find a way to change that. But in the mean time, the middle of the week is dedicated to work eat and sleep. Sad, because I don't like to see my precious hours draining one by one without anything important I can show for that. I still hope to find a solution to that. The truth is that I keep thinking the store will be such a place, were work and hobby intertwine and so by the end of the day I will feel as if it not only brought food to my table but also contributed to my well being, to my personal growth. I am so looking forwards to it; to make this dream a reality. I did take few more steps today towards the opening day all small but very important and get me ever so closer to the finish line, or should I say to the beginning. So a good day on so many levels just not on the sleeping front. But until then and not to make things worse, I am checking out now. 12:09 late but not horrific...
I am thankful for every small step forward with the development of my business. I am thankful for the promise it carries with it. I am thankful for a good night sleep and still in the 7 hours realm; not great but still better than my usual bedtime. I am thankful for this wonderful day.
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