Day 36 - I am in the process of buying a car right now. After 7 1/2 months that I am here, I decided last week to make the move. I am still going to use public transportation to get to work and around the city during the day, but in late evening the frequency of the buses is really low and during the weekends even less so, and on Saturday there no buses outside of the city, so I need and want to have a car. This situation is why I kept renting cars, just to be able to get around on the weekends. My daughter's incident with the severe allergic reaction to hair dye made it clear to me that a car is not a luxury, it might be the difference between life and death. If I had to wait for a cab to come here and take us to the hospital, I am not sure that the story would not have a different ending.
So I started taking care of all the legal issues here so I can buy a car, and than I had to take care of the financial aspects of it. and than, finally I started looking for a car. I found exactly what I was looking for and signed the contract and today I got the call that the car is ready and I can get it tomorrow. One more step as an independent woman, making this kind of purchases. It feels great.
Only problem in all this rosy picture is that I also got a message today that the money I was suppose to get and I counted on it to cover my purchase, is not going to be here for more than a month due to some misunderstanding! So here I am with a car that is waiting to be picked and not enough money to pay for it. I placed a call to my personal banker here and told her the story. Two hours later I had a loan lined-up in the bank for me to cover the missing funds! so true, this misunderstanding is going to cost me 4% interest, but I have the money to pay for my car, and I don't have to cancel the contract and loose the car (and my deposit). I was upset about the fact that I could not get the money when I needed it, for a very stupid reason, but I decided I am not going to let anyone influence my mood, make me upset. I am the only one that can and I choose not to get upset.
So today I am so thankful that in the short time I am here I managed to develop such good relations with my bank that they will come to the rescue when I really needed them. It's one of the things I like here the most, rules are meant to be broken, or at least bent. And if the people you deal with like you, they will help, they'll go the extra mile (even 10 miles if needed). I am thankful today to this wonderful woman, my personal banker who came to my rescue.