Day 26 - Every other Sunday I go to a Women circle class. It is on going for the past 2 months so by now we all know and like each other. I am not always very excited about the way our facilitator works but I can always learn and improve, even if under different guidance it could have been a better class. But it is always fun to meet the girls and to follow each other's struggles and triumphs. Today was a pretty good one. At the end of the class we always stay and talk and one of the women asked me if I want to join her friend for a singers' group. I said why not and joined them with another one of the girls. Last time I sang in a chorus was about 20 years ago, and this one is a very small group so every voice counts. It was SO much fun!! We were there for an hour an a half and time just flew. It's really funny, since yesterday I really felt like singing so I went with another friend to a different place, but we didn't like the crowd that was there and skipped it. And here, a day later, I got my wish and with a quality group. The leader is a composer and he plays beautifully on the piano, and the lead singers are really good, and I liked the songs selection. I even had to sing alone so he can decide to what group I belong soprano or alto (soprano it is, I said it before I found my own voice and it is different than years ago. I was alto than!!). It was a great evening.
So again, I am thankful for music, but this time I am in the active sit as part of the group and not as a listener. and it is not only about the music. It is about pushing the envelope a little further to make the circle more inclusive and to bring more experiences into my life. Its about singing as a group, of belonging to one more circle of friends.
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