Friday, March 15, 2013

Facebook training

Day 787 - after struggling with Facebook for the past month I decided it's time to call professional help. And so we scheduled a FB 101 training with someone I got great recommendations for. He came here this morning in in 3 short hours taught me more than I could do on my own in many more months. and he showed us the little known things that make it so powerful as a business platform. Now I cannot wait to start applying the new knowledge we got and see if it makes the difference. I am sure it will make things easier, I am sure we can reach a larger crown and I am sure that in the long run it will bring business opportunities our way. It was very interesting to see how many things I never even realized exist and so never even knew I can use to our advantage. So they always say that the way a guy's brain works is "if all else fail - read the instructions"; apparently my brain works the same way. But boy, am I happy I finally gave up and called for some help. I guess I have to know my shortcomings and ask the professionals for help; what will take me months is something they do in a few minutes; and my time can be put to a better use than reinvent the wheel. I learned something very valuable today and I'll try to remember it from now on. playing to my strength and get help in my weaker points. But today I am not going to judge myself or be unkind to me; I'm just happy for the vast knowledge I got and the opportunities it opened for me.
I am thankful for this great recommendation I got from a friend for this particular consultant. I am thankful I finally decided to call for help. I am thankful most of all for the knowledge I gained and the new horizons now open for me to soar. I am thankful for what I can get from willing to pay for what I do not know; for being humble and not pretend like I have all the knowledge.   

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