Sunday, March 17, 2013

Little joys

Day 789 - after two weeks of of very hot weather and after a very pleasant hike yesterday, it is a winter-like weather again. It rained yesterday night and today started very pleasantly but ended with some serious rain. And by now I had to take out the heater after I stored it safely already, because I was too cold. But, as I always say, we live in a very dry country and every drop of rain is meaningful, even if as city dwellers we don't feel it that much. We'll have several months of very humid and hot weather, and now that we are at the end of it we can be generous and allow for a few more days of rain. The flowers that only yesterday I mentioned are all but gone might have a second round. And besides, I am back home now, after a little outing we had, and I am warm and dry and ready to go to sleep; what else one needs in order to be happy! and I sure still remember to count my blessings every single day.

I am thankful for the blessed rain that bring few more inches of water to this arid land. I am thankful the rains only started at night and so we could enjoy a beautiful spring day before the winter came back. I am thankful for a great outing just the two of us to a coffee house were we sat and studied a little further into the tarot cards. I am thankful for little drops of happiness along the way, for another wonderful day with the man I love; simple joys but it's all I need.

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