White smoke
Day 796 - I went to sleep yesterday with very heavy feeling after a big fight were both of us were exhausted and hurt; when it all ended and I was not sure we can patch it up. I went to sleep with heavy heart and than I suddenly realized something very important, something I hope never to forget again. Fight are part of life, we have to try to minimize then, definitely control what we say because you can never take back something you said and I know all too well that words can hurt so much; so what?! I can fight with my kids as much as needed, and I might get upset for a few hours or even a few days, but I will never stop loving them because we fought. At the end of the day the anger, frustration, hurt what ever it was will subside and we will still love each other. And so it is here, in a couple's relationship. I might be hurt or angry or upset but it should not put the tomorrow in question. Sounds simple but for me it was profound truth which I shared with him, just to find he holds the same notion. We both know we have something very special in our hands and ready to do what ever it takes to keep it and strengthen it. So we talked it over like adults and each said what they had to say, we talked it as long as we needed but in a calmer environment and with a positive attitude, with the understanding that we love each other and this is part of the adjustment to each other; that our staying together is not an option, we just have to learn how to work better and express our needs and feelings in a way that the other will understand.
I am thankful this fight is over; it was bad and it shook the ground under my feet. I am thankful it made me realize how important this relationship is for me, that I am ready to fight for it. I am thankful that at the end of a very long discussion we were able to sent the white smoke, we were able to make up and put it behind us.
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