Considering again the open road
Day 942 - I bought a store almost a year ago and with time it proves to be more of a problem than a good investment. In one year it is the third tenant and he is leaving too. The truth is I was too kind to him. I didn't want to hold him in a very binding contract with no way out and the outcome is that after only 4 months he told me he is braking the contract. For a month I toyed with the idea of opening my own business there, tossing several options but finally I realized that it is modern slavery and I am not ready to do that. I bought an investment property so I can have a passive income; running my own business out of it will defy that idea - it cannot get more active than that. And so, after more than a month of dragging my feet and loosing precious time, I met today with a Realtor and asked her help in renting the store. So the outcome of this delay might be a month I'll have to pay the mortgage out of my own pocket, but I'll just look at it as putting a little more down payment, since it all goes to the mortgage. But I learned a very important lesson and I think it's totally worth the price. I understood my priorities and the need for lack of stability in my life. A store is something that will tie me down to no end. Just the thought of it makes me shiver. What about all my plans to travel and see the world? I am not ready to give them up; if anything I am in the mood to push it up a notch and actually start traveling, for short periods, but travel never the less. For a year I didn't do it at all but now I am ready to spread my wings again and fly. So to enable a spur of the moment decision on that end I went today to renew my almost expired passport. So here you go a day in the right direction - moving forward and upwards and outwards...
I am thankful for finally making the decision to rent my store. I am thankful even more for the understanding of one more thing I don't want in my life, stability. I am thankful for a day that started badly ended in a very positive way. I am thankful for new beginnings, for new tomorrows, for the open road ahead.
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