Monday, June 30, 2014

About changes

Day 1257 - changes in life are something that are not easy to digest; they bring are a step closer to our death, thus frightening for most people. I don't think I welcome death more than your avarage Joe, but I live changes. For me it brings the feeling of a new beginning, it's invigorating and exciting. I love the open road, the unknown, the surprise behind the bend of the road. I find the routine difficult and boring. I changed 4 houses in less than four years. I complain about the packing but I love the excitement. It's always so strange for me to meet people that lived all their life in the same house or worked in the same place. It's a cliche that change us the only constant thing in life, but for me it's a way if life. I was thinking about all this today and I see myself as a very lucky woman that I could live my life this way, not many people can say that. I think I learned a lit and grew as a person because of that. I learned to trust myself more and not be afraid. All good and important things.
I am thankful for the opportunities in my life for changes I made. I am thankful I got the chance to reinvent myself so often. I am thankful for all the blessings it brought in its wake. I am thankful for my life, just as they are.

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