Day 126 – I am very happy to report that I did, indeed, went to sleep early. Not as early as I thought, but I was asleep before 11pm. And it is very good I did that. Today I got to work at 6:30am and left at 9:15pm. It is crazy at work for few more days and after the Summit, we will get back to a more normal schedule, but until than we are all doing whatever we can to help. I am taking care of all the visits to our hospital right now. And we have a lot. No one can help me prepare stuff, since everyone is working, so I had to stay late and finish it all, since the first visit tomorrow is early and it’s a very large group. The truth is that I enjoy very much the fast pace, the thinking and the planning and all the busy work as well. It is really fun for me to be overloaded and to have to take care of so many things at once. I like it that before I know it, it is time to eat lunch, and next time I lift my head it is time to go home, I like it much better than slow days that nothing really happen, so I know I have to find a way to incorporate more action into my daily work. But I also know, that I will not allow myself to fall into the trap. I had to live in that environment for too many years, so I know its destructive power, I know how addicting it is and I just refuse to budge. I refuse to play that game. I want my life to be full of many things and not only work. I don’t touch emails on the weekend and rarely at home in the evenings, only with a very good reason. I am happy I was exposed to that and thus learned from it without having to pay for it with everything dear to me. I made a resolution that I will never put work before the people that are really important to me, before activities that are as well. And I promised that I will not work on weekend only on very specific occasions, and if these occasions are starting to look too much like a routine, then I have to re-evaluate what I am doing. I am determined to stay this way.I am thankful I could learn, second hand, what the price of addiction is, and that I didn’t have to be the addict myself. I am thankful that I am in a position (and the wisdom) to decide not to become an addict. I am thankful for a very busy week, that was very enjoyable and very intense, but on the same time, I am very happy it is not like that every day but very seldom. I am happy I can go to sleep now, not as early as yesterday, but still, I’ll make it to bed before midnight, since I have another day like that tomorrow.
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