I am taking an afternoon class that teaches the basics of how to start your own business. They also offer mentoring by savvy businessmen and women that will help the ones that are interested to take their first steps and it results a higher rate of success because of that. So why do I take this class? Not sure yet. I harbor this dream of having my own business for a very long time. Problem is that I don’t really have any idea what kind of business. So right now I am taking the classes. It makes me think in the right direction, and I like that. Today was the first class. An introduction to the course and I enjoyed it very much. The group is nice and the teacher very good so I think I am going to enjoy my Thursday evenings for the next few weeks. And we’ll see how it will come along, am I really going to start developing a business plan all the way. I wonder if I have it in me or is it just a dream that will never materialize. For many years I lived in a place that strives on entrepreneurship, a place that so many of its residents had start-ups or worked in start-ups and most dreamed of having their own start-up. So this is probably where it came from, the idea that I have to have my own business. But right now it is nothing but a dream. An entrepreneur is someone who takes dreams and makes them a reality. Am I that practical? Do I have such a strong drive? I saw how it can ruin everything in its path – can I do it differently? I want to believe I can. I want to believe I have that drive, but that I can find a balance between my life and my business and that I can enjoy both for many years to come. I have so many plans to travel and see the world and so I have to be able to work and take brakes, and this is also why I need to have my own business, so I can take brakes. So here you go, one more thing is added to my bucket list – have my own business, one that is strong enough so I can live from it and make a nice profit as well. I realized a long time ago that if I really want to achieve something I can do that. I ran a marathon few years ago, so I know how to set something that looks like an impossible goal and with the right coaching I managed to do that. So here I am setting something that looks like an impossible goal but I am keeping my eyes on that goal and I will get there, even if it will take a little longer than I would have liked, just like my marathon run. A very wise man told us many years ago – life is a marathon, not a sprint, so this is how I am going to treat this goal of mine. Work on it on regular intervals, invest only a little of my resources, but do it consistently and I will reach my goal.
I am thankful for this wonderful class I am taking, I think it will make a big difference in my life. I am thankful that I can wake up every day and start chipping at it. I am thankful for the wonderful ideas it brings and for this feeling of renewal and creativity, for this quest. I am thankful for the opportunity to dream and soar and hopefully for landing on my feet.
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