Day 160 – I met with a good friend of mine for dinner. We have known each other for over thirty years and we always liked each other, but as it often goes when one lives abroad and comes only once a year for a short visit, the past 22 years where very superficial. We met, spent few hours together, caught up on all the updates and news, maybe went for dinner or a hike, and already had to say goodbye again. Only now when I came back here we started to give some depth to our friendship. As it goes, she also has some serious issues with her husband, and they are working on it and see a professional to try to bring it to a point where they can live under the same roof happily. We meet every few weeks and we spend hours talking. We go into deep discussions and we both enjoy and cherish this special time. I can see her personal growth during this period and she can see mine. And we can talk and analyze things in a way I can’t do with anyone else. I also enjoy just seeing the wonderful woman she became. I never had close girlfriends and only this year after I came back here I take old and new friendships to a new and more open level. We marveled today at how meaningful girl-talks are. We don’t pretend that everything is OK, we don’t come from a high point but talk to each other from the level of the eyes. We can cry and admit to be hurt and we are seeking friendship, recognition and support. We can discuss things and we try to think of a solution. We can acknowledge a broken heart and we can see one without running for cover. I never had so many girlfriends and I find it a blessing and an enriching experience.
I am thankful for all the girlfriends in my life; for the hospitality, friendship and support. I am thankful for every open heart and honesty. I am thankful for a journey I could never do all alone and to my friends’ support along the way. I am especially thankful to this special friend; the time we spend together is priceless.
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