Day 138 – how do you make every day special? How do I find something new every single day? After four and a half months of writing it is time to ask this question. When I started this blog I wanted to make sure I will not take things for granted, that will be so appreciative of everything around me, that I will not let a day pass without taking a moment to be thankful for it. I didn’t want my days to blend into each other, to lose sight of the fact that of the so many days that I have to walk this earth, another day just passed. As we near the end of life it seems to pick up speed and loose its significance and if I don’t want that to happen I have to pause, and smell the roses every day of my life. For too many years I lived just watching from the sideline instead of being a main player in my very own game. I will never do that again. And this is how it all started. And now I am standing here, four and a half months later, asking myself what I am thankful for tonight. I guess I needed that reminder; and I lift my head, take a deep breath and smile again. I stretch my hands wide as if in a big hug, and I know what I am thankful for. I lived through another day, I worked and I had time to do some shopping, I had a few phone calls, send a few email… I am alive and doing well. I have my wonderful daughter here with me tonight. She came back especially to spend this evening and tomorrow afternoon with me before I fly to see my oldest daughter and her newborn baby, to see my son. She took a 3 hours bus ride just to be with me for a few hours. I am thankful beyond words for that. I have kids I love so much, a life I enjoy, I have people I care for, and I will recover one day and will find new love as well. I count my blessings every day and I am here to enjoy it all. What else can I ask for?
I am thankful I woke up this morning and I am thankful that I seems like I will go to sleep peacefully tonight, for living through another day, I am thankful for my life as they are, full of wonders. And today I am thankful for this act of love by my daughter who came here to spend the last day with me before I leave.
I just saw this statement – “when I count my blessings, I count you twice” l o v e it!!
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