Saturday, August 6, 2011

A New Milestone

Day 200 – I came up with the idea to write this blog just so I will keep looking at every day of my life with wonder. To be thankful for every day when something big happens and when something small happens and when nothing seems to happen. To realize that even when every day might look the same they never really are. That every moment we live is so special and unique in its singularity. This blog came to teach me just that. For the past 200 day I was looking at my life and trying my best to find beauty in the mundane, to find and count my blessings even on days when I  feel lonely or when I am sad. It is easy to feel blessed when all is going our way, it is not so obvious when things are not. During the process I learned to do that, I am still learning every day, and I am so thankful for that. I feel that I learned to appreciate my life so much more for having this blog, for faithfully asking the right questions every day.  For celebrating every day for what it is without wishing for it to be different; for not taking anything for granted.
I am so thankful for an amazing weekend I had with my daughter. I just love it so much when she’s here with me, I know she has many choices of where to spend her little free time and I am so thankful for this weekend she spent with me. I had the best of time. And I am very thankful that today is such a milestone in my blog writing. What a wonderful way to celebrate it with such a wonderful weekend. I am thankful for the miracles in my life.   

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