Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Very Sad Love Song

Day 455 – A friend of mine sent me yesterday the words of a very touching song by Matti Caspi, one of the most talented musicians in our country. I used to listen to his music years ago, but living abroad for so many years I just didn’t have a chance. Reading the words and later listening to it on YouTube brought tears to my eyes. I was struck right then and there by his music, and lyrics, and style. It’s amazing how personal it feels even though it was written by a total stranger. I don’t have any of his CDs, something I’ll take care of in the next few days I think, but for now I just downloaded all his best songs to my iPhone and all day long I listened to them. This specific song still brings tears to my eyes every single time I listen to it, so I avoided it during the day and made-up for it in late afternoon, on the beach with a beautiful sunset (and a lot of tears). All his music is so amazing and his voice almost haunting so it made for a very special experience, a very special day.  I had some very boring things to do today but the day just passed so fast; I was busy listening and having a great time. Many of his songs are a little sad, but I like music on the minor scale, and I love his music, it resonates well on the strings of my heart, even if it made me sad.  
I am thankful to my friend for giving me this very special gift, a gift from the heart. I am thankful this gift opened my heart to the subject on a totaly different way. I am thankful to be introduced, once more, to this amazing artist, one of the most talanted I ever heard. I am thankful for a wonderful day basking in music and love songs. I am thankful for a beautiful sunset that I got to enjoy with tears in my eyes, and a wide open heart. 

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