Friday, April 27, 2012

An Unusual Story

Day 465 – I arrived at the annual family gathering a day late because of the wedding. I decided that a family gathering is something we do every year and a wedding, hopefully, is a once in a lifetime event. So the wedding won. And I am really happy it did. So this morning I left home very early and drove all the way to the south, to my parents’. Some of the participants, namely my brother and his family, already left yesterday but I got to see my oldest sister and her children, and grandchildren. It was a lot of fun and I am really happy I got to see them after all. At the evening, after everyone left, I set down with my father for some of his stories. Usually I try to do that to record history regarding his holocaust memories, but this time it was something different. I have to do a 5 minute report about Italy, but the idea is to do something that is not a general knowledge, something you have to work hard to find. They want us to surprise them. So, I figured my father stayed in Italy for 3 years before making Aliya, and he was there as part of the illegal immigration to our country. I am sure he will have some interesting and unusual stories. And I was right, he always has something to tell. So I got to hear such story, but what's really interesting is that even after more than 60 years, some of his stories are still a secret and he can’t discuss them, he didn't want me to know about them, let along tell. But I got an interesting story after all, and one that is not in the history books, so I am happy with it. And I got to hear another story I never knew about; one more story that was will not get lost. 
I am thankful I still go to enjoy the tail end for the family gathering. I am thankful for a lovely day. I am thankful that thanks to my Italy project I learned about such an interesting story I got to hear from my dad.

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