Saturday, November 10, 2012

About medicinal cannabis

Day 662 - yesterday evening we went to pub and saw on the TV there an ad about cannabis conference here I town. Now we never saw so many stores selling paraphanilia, hemp beers, hemp chocolate, drinks, you name it. We were sure it's legal here but no it is not, just do very common and the police doesn't do anything about it. "it's just as well be legal" as we were told; do we figured it will be a very interesting experience to go to this conference. And so we did, and it sure was a very unique experience. There were booth after booth of things to better grow weed. From special soil, to irrigation systems, special lights, fertilizers, different seeds one could buy; in short again it looked like a totally legal business. Very interesting indeed, and people were smoking everywhere. All this was a very interesting cultural experience and we enjoyed ourselves very much , and then looking at the program we realized that there are two lectures of people from our country talking about the experience with  medical marihuana in our country and we decided to go and listen to these talks. By the end of the second one I was very proud to learn that our country is one of the leading in the world when it comes to the medical usage if cannabis and more importantly, I just wanted to see how I can volunteer to help. They show data the help they can provide to very sick and suffering people. Of the reduction in other medications usage for people with cannabis treatment, for easing the suffering of people who are suffering for years without any answer by traditional medice. It was eye opening, something that I never thought of seriously and by the end if these talks I definitely changed my mind. Even going to this conference was kind of a joke, just because it is so different and no one will do it on a few days trip to a country. It's interesting how life sometimes gives us opportunities in places we totally didn't expect them, how we find things we never looked for just for being in the right place at the right time. I never thought much about all the suffering surround me and I am surly doing it right now, and trying to think what can be my part in making it a little easier to bare. 
I am thankful for a very unique experience today, for seeing a side of this country not many tourists get to see. I am thankful for small coffee houses we found along our hike, for interesting neighborhoods, for a very special day. I am thankful for the fun part of the conference and I am even more thankful for the serious part. I am thankful for an eye opening lectures and for heart opening effect of it; I hope this effect will last and take me in an interesting and very important direction. I am thankful for wonderful weather, for another wonderful day with my daughter. 

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