Day 676 - I live in a city perched on a mountain, a very beautiful mountain at that. I hiked its deep ravins many times, walked the crest of the mountain where the city is located but never did the full hiking thing in the urban area, after all I do own a car. That all finally changed today. We decided the day is just too nice after two days of rain and it will be silly not to take advantage of it; so we decided to go for lunch in "the wadi" an area at the botto of the mountain, just for the sake of absorbing some sun and fresh air, just for the fun of doing something we both like very much. And since hiking on the unsaved area is not much fun after two days of heavy rains a city walk is a good alternative. We hiked all the way down the mountain to that neighborhood, stroll its market and ate lunch there before making our way back all the way to the top of the mountain, climbing hundreds of stairs, which I have to admit is a little challenging but a lot of fun. The whole trip took us several hours and it was so much fun. I never had a partner that liked hiking and it is such a wonderful experience. It is something I really like and don't want to give up, so a partner that doesn't like hiking always presents a problem; and besides it's such a great activity and it's nice I can share it with someone dear to me, make him part of my life, add another facet to our relationship. With the ultimate hiking goal in our country is already under his belt and in a way not many people, definitely not in our age, can do hiking it all the way in one strach over so many days and weeks; he walked the entire Israel Trail; a trail in our country that was chosen as one of the best trails in the world. This is something on my bucket list, so I sure appreciate such a feat. In short, hiking is for sure a point in his favor, a big one; and I totally enjoyed that today.
I am thankful for a beautiful day., sunny and warm after the rains. I am thankful for a great day outdoors. I am thankful I found a guy that likes hiking at least as much as I do; it is so important for me and only today I realized what a big difference it makes. I am thankful for a great day, a great weekend.
יומן המסע שלי לירידה במשקל
בפעם האחרונה בהחלט
אני מתכוונת להשתמש בכל כלי שלמדתי בחיי
כדי לעשות זאת
אשמח אם תצטרפו אלי
אם צשאלו או תתנו לי רעיונות
ואם נוכל ליצור קבוצת תמיכה שתעשה זאת ביחד - מה טוב!!
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