Day 659 - Ever since I got my citizenship in the new country I was very much on top of all the political issues. Weeks before the election I read all the different propositions, all the pros and cons and made very educated decisions. I watched the presidential debates, discussed the issues with friends and was very proud to go and vote on election day. I even got involved in making phone calls to potential voters, volunteer at the head quarter and go out to talk to people. And then I moved here, moved back to my homeland and for some reason here I am totally disconnected from it all. I guess I want to stay in this imaginary world where everything is pretty; I don't want to see when things are not and I still don't want to get my hands dirty and get involved. It will probably will come at some point but not yet; I want to stay for just a little longer in my fools' heaven. But there was an election yesterday in my adopted country and I found myself for the first time in months actually interested in politics again; involved with a twist. I cared more about how the election of one president or another will affect my homeland. This election I was ready to compromise some of my social views in order to get a president that will be more favorable to my country. In all the years I lived there I never looked at how the election over there will affect my tiny homeland back here. The move here made so many changes in my life and I just found one more change. I used to vote for a president based mainly on his social agenda; and by now I realized that no matter how good the social agenda is a president is first and foremost the leader of the free world and in that capacity his political agenda is so much more important; so much more visible and influence not only America but so may countries around the world; what we elect is not only the president of America but the leader of the free world. A very heavy load indeed. and so I did my duty as a citizen and voted; and I am very happy I can do it even when I live far away.
I am thankful for the timeout I took from life, that I feel is running its course and is almost over. I am thankful for the two years of disconnect. I am thankful I am a citizen, thus can vote even from fat away. I am thankful for a great experience I had during these election, for the new perspective and fresh look I get at things. I am thankful, like every day for the warm bed that awaits me; I woke up every hours tonight to listen to the results as they started to come to the news desks of the different networks, so I am so very tired!!
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