Friday, December 23, 2011

Hiking in the Desert with my Kids

Day 339 – We went hiking today in the desert. We woke up late, and by the time we started our hiking it was almost 1pm, and started our hike. We walked for about an hour enjoying the landscape that is so different than anywhere else; realizing my son never had the chance to do just that – hike in this amazing desert so desolate and unspoiled. It was a very warm day, to the point I almost regretted my decision to take a long sleeves shirt, but we all really enjoyed the wonderful weather. After about an hour we decided it is not really possible for us to make it all the way to the top of the mountain and then climb down and reach our car all in the two hours of light still ahead of us and so instead we stopped and made coffee right there, in the middle of this wonderful place before hiking back to our car. My daughter has this kit for making coffee on the go and it is the first time she got to use it, and I can’t think of a better place to do just that. The way the hike unfolded was not what we set up to do but my kids don’t really have a chance to hike here much – my daughter because she is in the army and my son because he doesn’t live here – so anything we do is great, it’s something they didn’t do and see before and next time we’ll come earlier and do more.
I am very thankful for a day I got to spend with my kids an out in nature – so much fun and so special; to show them a little of this beautiful country and take them to places I already learned about and they didn’t have the chance to visit. I am thankful for such a great weather, perfect for a trip. I am thankful to this family we met on the trail for the matches they gave us (yes, we forgot matches!!) and by that enabled us to have our coffee in the middle of the desert. I am thankful for such a wonderful day.

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