Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Perfect Saturday

Day 382 Today was such a beautiful day! And so our group decided to go on a hiking trip. This is my first hike in more than two months because of my knee injury, but it started feeling better in the past two weeks and I decided to give it a shot. And boy am I glad I did that. Actually it feels better than it did in weeks. And I enjoyed a most amazing day. We had so much rain lately so everything is lush green wild flowers are popping everywhere and it was warm and sunny and the creeks were full of water; just the most perfect day to start my new year hikes. I also met a woman that joined our group while I was away and we bonded right away. I took many pictures after a little lull in that as well, so I feel like new life is flowing through my body, now that most of the winter is behind us. I promised my daughter to take her on a hike in the next few weeks so she won’t miss all this beauty. And to make a perfect day even better, I finally got to talk to my email friend.
I am thankful for a most beautiful day. I am thankful for new friends and old. I am thankful for this very special phone call. I am thankful my daughter is here tonight and we got to spend some quality time together. 

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