Monday, February 20, 2012

A Very Special Treat

Day 398 – It is Monday again and I just came back from my class and from a walk in the park with my dog. I am going to write this blog, take a shower and go to bed. Hopefully I’ll be asleep before 11pm. I am going to take a book with me, just because I didn’t have much of a chance to do it in the past few weeks, so it is also part of the “doing things differently” to mark the end of the project. Tomorrow, on my way back home, I am going to stop at the gym; one more thing that is added back into my schedule. Maybe on Wednesday I’ll even add a sunset; can be cool. It is not a secret how much I love sunsets. The nice thing about an all-consuming project like the one I just finished is that we are so appreciative of our simple routine and so looking forward to get back to it. So here I am giving myself the gift of rest and later the gift of routine. I might even be able to enjoy it every once in a while; and even if not, at least I tried. I talked so many times about the wave nature of our lives, so here we go again. I was in such a high, pushing with all that I have to reach the top of the wave intact, and now the wave is behind me and I have a little lull before the next one comes; so today is a slowdown day and tomorrow I will start the next phase.
I am thankful for a very relaxing day and evening. I am thankful for all the fascinating things I learned and will learn in the next phase. I am thankful to my friends at work who bought me these beautiful books for my birthday, and now I am going with one of the books to bed. What a treat!

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