Day 864 - I went today to buy few plants for our garden - it's official now, we get domesticated. I bought a passion fruit since it a very rapid growing vine and great fruits, all in the same time. I also bought a verbena plant, a lemongrass, a Rosemarie, a chili pepper plant, few flowers and some more plants. In short, it will disappear in our large lot, but it's a good start. Also we have to remember that they spread and get bigger so it might have more presence than at the moment. I'm falling asleep as I write, so I guess I am going to take a shower and go right to bed. I am soooo tired!
The only thing I can think about right now is sleep, so, I'm so very lucky to have a place tonight to put my head and be gone.thanks much for that,
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
More lessons
I am thankful for being able again, to think and see; for being able to break the pattern and widen my horizon. I am thankful for lessons life is serving me; I know, looking back I will be thankful for every difficult moment. I am thankful I am hurt because it means I love enough and care enough for things like these to hurt me. I am thankful tomorrow is a new day and it might be better and easier.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Decisions, decisions...
Day 862 - A heated argument with my daughter brings me to ponder about the role of parents in the life of their adult children and even more the responsibilities and setting the new rules of life after divorce. Do we have to meet as a family even if we are not any more, because for them we for ever will be. Isn't it sending the wrong message? Didn't we take one of the most difficult decisions to split and break the family unit and now by doing things together bring up again the question why did we do that if we get along so well? isn't it more a confusing message? and of course to add to it all I left because I could stay no longer, because my life were living hell, but being a master of swing he is taking the role of the peace maker and the one that is trying to keep the family together, setting the trap for me to show the opposite. For so many years I had to dance to his music, to play according to the script he wrote and now he twists it all, now he is the kind and understanding, the victim of circumstances and life. Making me the bad guy, making our oldest daughter the same and as usual he comes clear and pure. I wish I knew how to play these games; life would be so much easier. And now I am put in this impossible position to either agree to do something I don't want to or hurt my youngest daughter so much. I know what I should be doing for myself, I really don't know how to do the right thing for my daughter. I read today that in an argument we have to try to put the relationship before the individual players, that when we each put ourselves first we have to win and force the other one down; the author claimed that if we put the relationship first we think of "we" and "us" instead of "I" and better answers and a win-win situation will arise. I was trying to think about it while the discussion was going on, how can I make it a "we"; but I really don't know how to approach it. It's a new concept and I have no answers yet and I am stuck, feeling really bad no matter what the outcome will be. We did not do it well and no matter what the bitter taste is there. She wants it so much so I might do that, but at least this time I'll do it not as a puppet that he pushes her buttons and she jumps, but as a free willed woman, who decided that for her daughter's sake is ready to do some things she doesn't particularly like or wants to do. It was a long and hard discussion, not all of it in the right tones, but I am happy I am learning how to handle it better, that I am trying to apply some wisdom and not only feelings. And I know that the biggest challenges are also my greatest learning opportunities.
I am thankful for this idea I read about this morning of thinking of "us" and not about "I"; I am sure it will prove to be a very important tool for life and for better relationships. I am thankful for questions asked about my decisions, as hard as it is to be under scrutiny, I am not that arrogant to think I have all the right answers and this challenge makes me re-examine and ponder; all good and important things, all bring opportunities to grow and develop myself. I am thankful to my daughter for having the courage to try to prove me wrong, and not give up; for showing her love and her pain.
I am thankful for this idea I read about this morning of thinking of "us" and not about "I"; I am sure it will prove to be a very important tool for life and for better relationships. I am thankful for questions asked about my decisions, as hard as it is to be under scrutiny, I am not that arrogant to think I have all the right answers and this challenge makes me re-examine and ponder; all good and important things, all bring opportunities to grow and develop myself. I am thankful to my daughter for having the courage to try to prove me wrong, and not give up; for showing her love and her pain.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Getting my hair done
Day 861 - An eventful day. I stayed home today, waiting for the technician to come and fix the sabotage we did to the wires (see the story on day 857). He came and redid everything and did not even charge us for it! nice service, really. By the time he was done there was no point to go to work and so I worked from home. In late afternoon I took the train to our biggest city to get my hair done. It is so convenient, not even 10 minutes walk from the train station. I really don't know why I took my car every time. Again the same wonderful experience of reading all the way and not having to worry about parking or tickets. I went into the salon and two hours later I emerged with my renewed,, freshly dyed hair. People keep asking me why I travel all the way to Tel Aviv; the way I look when I get out of there and the fact that 10 month after my makeover I still didn't have to redo my hair-due. I am still thankful for that amazing make-over I know it was so much more than only a makeover - it changed my life. It changed the way I look at myself and feel about it; it gave me confidence I didn't have before. I use to watch a show on TV called "what not to ware" and they all say in an interview few months later that it changed their life and now I know it's really true. I've changed in so many ways, with no going back. Now a days, even if I chose to ware the "what not to" I know it is not OK and I chose it consciously; knowing I do that "despite" and I want that look, or the comfort of "I don't care".
I am thankful for that famous make over and for its long term effects; I reap its fruits every day. I am thankful for a wonderful hair I have now for the next few weeks. I am thankful for the ease of of train ride, for the accessibility of it all. I am thankful for an evening I spent with my partner; quality time at his work place. I am thankful for every day I wake up and go to sleep after spending time with my loved ones; those precious moments give life its meaning.
I am thankful for that famous make over and for its long term effects; I reap its fruits every day. I am thankful for a wonderful hair I have now for the next few weeks. I am thankful for the ease of of train ride, for the accessibility of it all. I am thankful for an evening I spent with my partner; quality time at his work place. I am thankful for every day I wake up and go to sleep after spending time with my loved ones; those precious moments give life its meaning.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Reading a book about Ecclesiastes
I am thankful for this book I am reading; I'll have to read it few more times to get all or most of the wisdom it tries to convey. I am thankful for this quality of life I gained by having the courage to move out of the city.I am thankful for being mortal in exchange for having some wisdom that grows with the years (yes, another pearl of wisdom from this book)
Sunday, May 26, 2013
A silly mistake
Day 859 - we have an old door to the back yard and it was a real problem to lock it. So much of a problem that I would think ten time before opening it. As we soon found out, the problem was that they put the wires of the TV. And Internet connections around the door frame and it just got in the way. So yesterday. Full of motivation to do some more fixing up, we decided to tackle the issue. A brief look reveled the reason and also a possible solution. The wire connections looked very old and we had our hook up station at the other end of the house. So it was clear (to the untrained eye) what to do; we just had to cut this bunch of old wires and all door problems will be saved. And this is precisely what we did. Alas, as we found out, it is always better to check rather than immediately cut. As it turned out it was not the wisest decision, it was a live connection and now we have no land line and no Internet connection. And two adults that felt a little stupid for not checking first.
I am thankful nothing worse that a cut connection had happened. I am thankful for great service by our communication provider. They were ready to cone tomorrow to fix it. I am thankful for lesson learned.
I am thankful nothing worse that a cut connection had happened. I am thankful for great service by our communication provider. They were ready to cone tomorrow to fix it. I am thankful for lesson learned.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
First stage of the yard project
Day 857 - I am going over old post and I can't find the post for day 857; not really sure where it is but I can't find it. I guess I erased it by mistake. How sad. I lost a day.
May it be the only day I ever lose...
Day 858 - it is Saturday, our day off, and it gives us time to work on the house, and this is what we did. Cleaning and unpacking and my partner worked for several hours weeding the front yard and sowing. By the end of the day, we have a clean house, a beautiful front yard that we are going to water a lot in the next few day to ensure the seeds will grow, and very tired inhabitants. But it is the good kind of tired, the one that comes from physical labor; the one that you look out the window and it makes you all fuzzy and happy inside. And so I am going to sleep now happy after a very productive day that took us a huge step forward.
I am thankful for a very productive and fulfilling day. I am thankful for the feeling of home I already have in a place I only live in for less than two weeks. I am thankful for a much appreciated and needed sleep.
May it be the only day I ever lose...
Day 858 - it is Saturday, our day off, and it gives us time to work on the house, and this is what we did. Cleaning and unpacking and my partner worked for several hours weeding the front yard and sowing. By the end of the day, we have a clean house, a beautiful front yard that we are going to water a lot in the next few day to ensure the seeds will grow, and very tired inhabitants. But it is the good kind of tired, the one that comes from physical labor; the one that you look out the window and it makes you all fuzzy and happy inside. And so I am going to sleep now happy after a very productive day that took us a huge step forward.
I am thankful for a very productive and fulfilling day. I am thankful for the feeling of home I already have in a place I only live in for less than two weeks. I am thankful for a much appreciated and needed sleep.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Painting class once again
Day 856 - I went to my painting class again after two weeks I missed it due to the relocation. I had to pack and unpack and just could not find the time to do something for myself. But today I drove my car to work so I can go after work to my painting class. It ends at 9:40 pm and if I had to take a bus to the train station and then ride the train back home I wouldn't have made it before midnight; so car day it is. It was a good class and I enjoyed it very much. I was thinking of doing some kind of spiritual drawing, enlightenment, and I picked few pictures I especially like and started drawing. As usual I deviate from the scene and I like to do it on my own and not copy someone else's picture, but it is a starting point. And so it was, in no time I was in my own little world, painting something born within. It is not great art but it is great for me and I like it. It also gives me once again the feeling I had while drawing it - searching for inner peace, tranquility. All good things I would love to be reminded of every time.
I am thankful for a great class. I am thankful to be back with a brush in my hand and with open heart. I am thankful for ideas I got today about an art project I am planning to pursue. I am thankful for a good night sleep awaiting me now; It's past midnight, I didn't turn into a pumpkin but I am so very tired.
I am thankful for a great class. I am thankful to be back with a brush in my hand and with open heart. I am thankful for ideas I got today about an art project I am planning to pursue. I am thankful for a good night sleep awaiting me now; It's past midnight, I didn't turn into a pumpkin but I am so very tired.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Reading books once again
I am thankful for the first book I finish on my train rides; first of many, I'm sure. I am thankful for the opportunity to sit back and relax instead of being stuck in traffic. I am thankful for quality time I gained by this move.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Smelly closet
I am thankful for a day I worked from home thus I was able to buy all these supplies before I started working. I am thankful for the creative solution to the "smelly closet", a solution that enabled me to use the space. I am thankful for a lovely morning in town. I am thankful for the impending sleep; I am so tired. Good night!
Monday, May 20, 2013
I fell into a comfortable routine
Day 853 - I read today something that got me inspired. You have to do something different every day. For a long time after moving here I did that but I got to comfortable in my ways and forgot that. So what can I do different today, or tomorrow? First is the thought, to understand that falling into comfortable existence is not good for me; that routine is what I escaped; that if I want to do great things I cannot afford to be conventional. But I still have to go to work and cook and clean my house; it really doesn't leave me too much free time so I have to think about it and make small changes; Take half an hour a day to myself to do something special. I am starting tomorrow with that. For a while now I am thinking of doing something on my own, and I started the research today. I will work on it some more in the next few days and weeks. If I can't find time to do my own things it means I got no time to fulfill my dreams and this is really not what I want to see. So changing of priorities, taking time off and starting the road to financial independence. I knew it all along but I had to read it to start connecting the dots and here I am starting the new path right away, doing something different and doing it for me; I hope to get all excited as I once was, running with the wind in my face fully alive. It takes only small steps, one at a time until all is unraveled and free.
I am thankful for that little reminder I read today to get back into action. I am thankful for little changes I can already think of. I am thankful for a lovely evening with my daughter, just the two of us, talking having coffee, having fun. I am thankful for another day in this beautiful place we chose to make our home.
I am thankful for that little reminder I read today to get back into action. I am thankful for little changes I can already think of. I am thankful for a lovely evening with my daughter, just the two of us, talking having coffee, having fun. I am thankful for another day in this beautiful place we chose to make our home.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Riding the train to work
Day 852 - I went back to work after almost a week off. The house is not there yet but we all went our separate ways. It takes some getting used to ride a train to work but after weeks I didn't have time to pick up a book and read I had almost an hour to do so and it was wonderful. I just have to make sure not to miss my station. For almost three years I drove to work every day. True, it gave me the flexibility to come and go on my own schedule and now I have to comply with the train schedule or I'll have to wait another hour. But on the same time I an not the one who does the driving. So I can kick back and relax; I can read or even sleep, as long as I put my alarm to wake up on time. So I started a new book and so far it looks really interesting and I totally enjoyed my time. Coming back home was a little more of a challenge. I waited 15 minutes in the train station to my partner since there was no point in driving home and coming back 20 minutes later. And about an hour and a half later I drove to pick up my daughter. But It is totally worth it and I am so happy to be here and have those little adjustment kinks we'll iron out in a few days. And coming back home after a long day in the office was wonderful. Coming back to the quiet neighborhood and no cars' sounds. I am just so tired that I can only think of my bed. I hope to write in more length tomorrow.
I am thankful for a new experience of train ride to work. I am thankful for the book I got to start reading today; I have so many more waiting for the opportunity to be read. I am thankful for a warm shower and a good night sleep awaiting me just behind the corner, as soon as I'll finish blogging. Good night!
I am thankful for a new experience of train ride to work. I am thankful for the book I got to start reading today; I have so many more waiting for the opportunity to be read. I am thankful for a warm shower and a good night sleep awaiting me just behind the corner, as soon as I'll finish blogging. Good night!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Home, sweet home
I am thankful we are almost done unpacking. I am thankful for the big strides we made this weekend. I am thankful there not too many step backs and that hopefully by Monday, a week after we moved it will all be done and in place. I am thankful for the warm and inviting feeling this house gives me even at this stage of the game. I am thankful most of all that my daughter feels at home and is happy to be here; I am so thankful to have her so close once again. I know it will not be like that for ever and I am looking at every day as a present, something I will forever cherish.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Too tired to think
Day 850 - after unpacking for the past 14 hours, with short stops for installing light fixture and shopping for some missing items and food shopping and cooking and hanging wet laundry and folding and unpacking and, and, and.... I'm just too tired to write. I'll do better tomorrow, I promise!
Right now I'm so thankful to lie down in my bed and let my sore body recover.
I am thankful we did so much today; that we are one day closer to being done.
Right now I'm so thankful to lie down in my bed and let my sore body recover.
I am thankful we did so much today; that we are one day closer to being done.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Half way done
I am thankful for the progress we made today in the unpacking. I am thankful for the homey feeling the house bestows on us. I am thankful my daughter is feeling better after being so sick yesterday. I am thankful for a well deserved night sleep at the end of a very long way.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
To walk our talk
I am thankful for a wonderful time we spent with my parents. I am thankful for a little break we took to sit quietly and meditate facing the vast emptiness of the desert. I am thankful my daughter is feeling a little better already. I am thankful I walked my talk and took a break form the mess to live according to my priorities; for every moment I can live with greater awareness.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Taking some time off
Day 847 - we kept unpacking and the house starts to look less boxy and more like a house. Still boxes are strewn everywhere but there are clearances and areas half descent We even set for coffee to our dining table. And since its a holiday we drove this evening to my parents to celebrate it with them. We were with my daughter and my partner's son, a real family like experience. And it was so wonderful.
I am thankful for a morning ritual I hope we started today, of sitting with a cup of coffee listening to the day waking up around us and enjoy the company. I am thankful for every box we unpacked, about twenty so far. I am thankful for an amazing evening with my parents, my sister and her family, and our little family. I am so thankful for time we got to spend with loved ones; we don't know what the future holds for us so today was wonderful and that what matters.
I am thankful for a morning ritual I hope we started today, of sitting with a cup of coffee listening to the day waking up around us and enjoy the company. I am thankful for every box we unpacked, about twenty so far. I am thankful for an amazing evening with my parents, my sister and her family, and our little family. I am so thankful for time we got to spend with loved ones; we don't know what the future holds for us so today was wonderful and that what matters.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Very sad news
Day 846 - We moved today and it was, as expected, a very busy day. We started the day early and it's past midnight and we are still not down for the day. long day but a very satisfying one. They packed and drove to our new town and unpacked all in about 4 hours. A very good job indeed. I was all happy and wanted to talk about it, about my feeling and more but three hours ago I got a phone call from one of the girls who work with me that one of the doctors in our hospital, someone we work in close cooperation passed away unexpectedly. He was a great cardiac surgeon, and a great person. He was 59 years old, in great shape and it is very shocking for me to think he's just gone. So I will write more about the move tomorrow but today I join all my friends and mourn the passing of this man. May he rest in peace.
I am thankful for a very successful move. I am thankful for an assembled bed to sleep in tonight; its not a given in a moving day. And in a day like today, even more than usual I am thankful that all my loved ones are well and I have more time to enjoy them; I sure don't ever want to take this for granted.
I am thankful for a very successful move. I am thankful for an assembled bed to sleep in tonight; its not a given in a moving day. And in a day like today, even more than usual I am thankful that all my loved ones are well and I have more time to enjoy them; I sure don't ever want to take this for granted.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The last night
Day 845 - we just finished packing and about to go to bed. My last night here in this city that was my home for almost three years. The city that saw me coming here list and unsure if my next move. That saw me slowly building myself to what I am today. And tonight is the last night here. I hope this step will be something that I'll always be happy for doing it. But right now I'm exhausted and about to go to sleep. I'll write more tomorrow.
I'm thankful fog all the wonderful things I had today. I'm thankful I'm moving tomorrow. I'm thankful I can go to sleep now.
I'm thankful fog all the wonderful things I had today. I'm thankful I'm moving tomorrow. I'm thankful I can go to sleep now.
A packed weekend
Day 844 - it was a weekend of packing. I worked for hours putting my life into little boxes. I tried to be very accurate about packing, leaving unpacked the things we need for the last few days here. I did a pretty good job but every so often we are in need of something I already put into a box. Like yesterday - I asked my daughter to make a cake for dinner. She had everything out already separated the eggs into a bowl but there was no mixer, or a whisk, I packed both! We opened a box and found the whisk but not the mixer, so she had to whisk the egg whites by hand; not an easy task but she did a great job and also learned to appreciate this amazing tool called mixer. But all in all I did a good job and even though our house is full of boxes and our closets and cabinets empty we can still live almost un-disturbed. So it makes me very happy. But it's almost midnight and I'm dead tired after a whole day of packing. I thought I'll be able to finish it all tonight but I'm so tired it will have to wait for tomorrow. But I think I'm 3 boxes away from the finish line, not bad at all.
I am thankful my job here is almost done. I'm thankful for all I was able to through away, for all the extra luggage I left behind. I'm thankful for the memories I'm taking with me for the journey. I'm thankful for such a productive weekend. I'm thankful most of all for the fact I'm going to sleep right now.
I am thankful my job here is almost done. I'm thankful for all I was able to through away, for all the extra luggage I left behind. I'm thankful for the memories I'm taking with me for the journey. I'm thankful for such a productive weekend. I'm thankful most of all for the fact I'm going to sleep right now.
Friday, May 10, 2013
It's not easy to be old
Day 843 - I went to visit my ex- mother in law. It pained me to see how lonely she is, and as always I tell myself I should visit her more often. She aged a lot in the past few months and being alone is taking its toll on her. Her other son tried to hire someone to stay with her all the time but it didn't work. She is very independent and does not need a live-in, what she need is company. People she can sped time with every day, eat her meals with them and go to all kind of activities. In short I think a nursing home, a very good and fancy one might be the right solution for her. It was so sad to see her so frail and so bored, which is obviously the worst part. She has no energy to do anything. I was happy I went to visit her, yet so sad to see how she is deteriorating. It's not easy getting old.
I am thankful for being there today and helping for two hours to eliviate her pain. I am thankful she still feels so close to me and opens up. I am thankful she had good two hours because of this visit; because of me.
I am thankful for being there today and helping for two hours to eliviate her pain. I am thankful she still feels so close to me and opens up. I am thankful she had good two hours because of this visit; because of me.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
It takes a village
I am thankful for a very emotional evening. I am thankful I am working in this place in such exciting times. I am thankful I had the privilege to be part of the village. And most of all I am thankful for this amazing facility that will serve over 600,000 children in the north part of our county.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
All good things come in big boxes, or in my case go out...
I am thankful for another day that passed and get me closer to the finish line. I am thankful for every box that piled up in my living room and every shelf that gets empty. I am thankful most of all for every bag that gets out of my house and out of my life, full of things I don't need or don't ant in my life any longer.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Reflection of inner peace
I am thankful for a wonderful non eventful day. I am thankful for a lovely evening with my loved ones. I am thankful for an early bedtime; it's only 20 minutes past midnight and I'm already retiring for the night. A good reason by itself to feel happy. Goodnight!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Time Management
I was thinking about this story today as my day keeps unfolding and was getting busier by the minute. I was thinking about it today when an hour ago I realized it is going to be another day I won't have time to read, to meditate. I won't have time for the big and important people and things in my life. I have to plan my day around my very special rocks so I will not arrive at the end of a day not paying enough attention to them, not investing enough time in what really is important for me; arriving to the end of the day happy to call it a day but not fulfilled as I could be if I better managed my time. If I added my very special rocks, the building blocks of my life. I'll try to do better tomorrow.
I am thankful to my partner for reminding me few days ago of this story. I am thankful that after a few days I could relate it to my life and maybe even make some changes thanks to that. I am thankful for a good night sleep; One rock I sure will try to add in a more effective way; with a little more time devoted to this activity.
I am thankful to all the important people in my life; to my solid rocks.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
An hour on the beach
Day 838 - Packing, still packing of course. And in between I add more than 8 hours of work and and hour of back and forth driving and an hour of shopping and... in short, not enough time in the day right now for sure. But through it all I manage to find little moments of calm, little moments of "me time". Tonight my partner came back from a trip at 10 pm and my daughter was on the 11 pm train. And so I picked him up from the train station and we walked across the street to the beach and set there for an hour, enjoying the lull of the gently rolling waves, the cool early summer night, and just enjoy an hour of calm.
I am thankful for all the packing I was able to put in today. I am thankful for a wonderful hour on the beach, my first one this season.
I am thankful for all the packing I was able to put in today. I am thankful for a wonderful hour on the beach, my first one this season.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
A class reunion
Day 837 - almost a year after I finished the Tour Guide's class we are still meeting; or I should say they are since I didn't come to any of them. But today it was in the same town we are moving to in two weeks and One of the girls in my class called me several times just to make sure I'll come and I promised her I will. After along day of packing it was nice to take a break and meet old friends, hear some stories and just have a relaxed evening. The atmosphere was so nice and every one was in a good mood and it was so nice to see them all after such a long time. And to add to that I also enjoyed the fact that this is the place we choose as our new home. I loved the silence all around, I loved the fact we can see starts when we go out at night and not the light contamination. I loved the peaceful place. So our new place is not as nice as this one, but still it is wonderful and I am so happy we are moving there. It is very late now, almost 2 am (we really had a good time) so this is a very brief entry. I'll write more tomorrow.
I am thankful for a good day of packing. I am thankful I also found some time to rest; I needed it after the long week. I am thankful I finally made it to our course's get together. I am thankful for such a fun night. And most of all I'm thankful I can go to sleep now; it's too late, even in my book.
I am thankful for a good day of packing. I am thankful I also found some time to rest; I needed it after the long week. I am thankful I finally made it to our course's get together. I am thankful for such a fun night. And most of all I'm thankful I can go to sleep now; it's too late, even in my book.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Packing my home, slowly
I am thankful for some serious progress on my packing trail. I am thankful for a goal oriented day with many things on my plate and all are achieved but reading a book, didn't find time for that. I am thankful to my partner for a lovely evening out. I am thankful for the sleep coming my way; I welcome it with open arms. Good night!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Falling asleep on my watch
I am thankful for a very good lesson tonight; I am thankful my picture is progressing in the right direction. I am thankful for an eye opening understanding of never taking things for granted ever again, to never fall asleep and let my life take place without me watching it.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Packing, day 1
I am thankful for a good day at work; for having and good and stable workplace. I am thankful for a fun afternoon at the local market. I am thankful for a wonderful dinner with my partner. and most of all I am thankful for the first two boxes I already put aside; about 5% of my work is behind me, or maybe less but I took the first step and this is always the hardest. Done.
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