Day 839 - A professor stands in front of a group of top executives for a lecture about time management. He pulls from behind his desk a large empty bucket and a second pail full of big rocks. he puts the big rocks into the empty bucket until he fills it completely. And then he asks his audience do they thing he can add any more to the bucket. they answer no, the bucket is full to the brim. He fulls from behind his desk a pail full of much smaller stones and add them to the "full" bucket until there' no more room for them. Then again he asks the crowd if they think he can add any more and the assure him - it's full. So he pulls from behind his desk another large pail this time full of sand and start pouring sand in between all the stones and rocks until the sand starts spilling off the bucket. And he asks his audience if they think he can add any more? this time they answer with hesitation -"no?". he smiles and full a pail full of water and starts pouring it into the bucket until it over flows. Then he looks at his audience and ask "what did you learn from all that?" one of the executives was fast to answer - "you can always add more meetings and more things to do into your day".The professor looks at the class in a little sad gaze "no," he says "what we learned today is that if you will not put the big rocks first you'll never find time for them later". I was thinking about this story today as my day keeps unfolding and was getting busier by the minute. I was thinking about it today when an hour ago I realized it is going to be another day I won't have time to read, to meditate. I won't have time for the big and important people and things in my life. I have to plan my day around my very special rocks so I will not arrive at the end of a day not paying enough attention to them, not investing enough time in what really is important for me; arriving to the end of the day happy to call it a day but not fulfilled as I could be if I better managed my time. If I added my very special rocks, the building blocks of my life. I'll try to do better tomorrow. I am thankful to my partner for reminding me few days ago of this story. I am thankful that after a few days I could relate it to my life and maybe even make some changes thanks to that. I am thankful for a good night sleep; One rock I sure will try to add in a more effective way; with a little more time devoted to this activity. I am thankful to all the important people in my life; to my solid rocks.
יומן המסע שלי לירידה במשקל
בפעם האחרונה בהחלט
אני מתכוונת להשתמש בכל כלי שלמדתי בחיי
כדי לעשות זאת
אשמח אם תצטרפו אלי
אם צשאלו או תתנו לי רעיונות
ואם נוכל ליצור קבוצת תמיכה שתעשה זאת ביחד - מה טוב!!
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