Monday, May 20, 2013

I fell into a comfortable routine

Day 853 - I read today something that got me inspired. You have to do something different every day. For a long time after moving here I did that but I got to comfortable in my ways and forgot that. So what can I do different today, or tomorrow? First is the thought, to understand that falling into comfortable existence is not good for me; that routine is what I escaped; that if I want to do great things I cannot afford to be conventional. But I still have to go to work and cook and clean my house; it really doesn't leave me too much free time so I have to think about it and make small changes; Take half an hour a day to myself to do something special. I am starting tomorrow with that. For a while now I am thinking of doing something on my own, and I started the research today. I will work on it some more in the next few days and weeks. If I can't find time to do my own things it means I got no time to fulfill my dreams and this is really not what I want to see. So changing of priorities, taking time off and starting the road to financial independence. I knew it all along but I had to read it to start connecting the dots and here I am starting the new path right away, doing something different and doing it for me; I hope to get all excited as I once was, running with the wind in my face fully alive. It takes only small steps, one at a time until all is unraveled and free.
I am thankful for that little reminder I read today to get back into action. I am thankful for little changes I can already think of. I am thankful for a lovely evening with my daughter, just the two of us, talking having coffee, having fun. I am thankful for another day in this beautiful place we chose to make our home.   

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