Saturday, May 18, 2013

Home, sweet home

Day 851 - we are not done yet, although I was hoping to report mission accomplished, but technical issues prevented that, so probably about two more days to over come the problem and then I will be able to finish the unpacking. Still the house is starting to look really nice and this evening we even hung pictures on the walls; and it makes it so warm and welcoming. For me hanging the pictures is a big thing first of all because I painted all of them so it's very personal and even more important - pictures give the feeling of home, it makes it personal and warm and inviting. So for a long time we were standing surrounded by the paintings and slowly chose the right place for each one. Of course it's not carved in stone and I will change and add more but for now we are done with that; a big step towards transforming a rented house into a home. This evening my daughter told us it feels like home to her and for me it is the biggest compliment I can get and I sure don't take it for granted, it means the world for me. 
I am thankful we are almost done unpacking. I am thankful for the big strides we made this weekend. I am thankful there not too many step backs and that hopefully by Monday, a week after we moved it will all be done and in place. I am thankful for the warm and inviting feeling this house gives me even at this stage of the game. I am thankful most of all that my daughter feels at home and is happy to be here; I am so thankful to have her so close once again. I know it will not be like that for ever and I am looking at every day as a present, something I will forever cherish.  

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