Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Getting over Procrastination

Day 922 - The problem with not doing laundry for two weeks is a lot of loads when the washer works again. And the problem with that is that I have a lot of laundry to iron and fold and put away, and not enough time in the day for all that. It is now 1 am and I am very tired but I decided it cannot stay on the guest's bed any longer. So for half an hour I did it and now it's all gone and I feel so much better. I realized a long time ago that I like to defer things but they don't go away, they are still waiting for me at the end of the deferral period and in the mean time I have a lot of guilty feeling looking at the undone work. Isn't it just easier to do it right away and feel good about myself?! So today I did it and the room looks much better and less of a mess and next time I'll try to do it right away and get it off my plate and off my conscious. Thanks god for second (and third and fourth) chances.

I am thankful for this spur of the moment decision to just do it instead of looking at the pile of cloths. I am thankful for being able to do these little things that bring so much satisfaction into daily life. I am thankful I don't have this kind of mess but very seldom; I really don't like that. I am thankful for one more thing off my to do list.

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