Sunday, September 25, 2011

Losing Focus

Day 250 – it’s Sunday and so it is part of my new schedule to go to the gym for my Pilates and belly dancing classes. But, I was doing something and didn’t feel like stopping in the middle to go to class. And so I skipped the first one and from there it was very easy to decide to skip the second as well. I was still working until few minutes ago when I stopped to think what am I going to write in my blog today. and then I realized – I am too easily giving up the things that are important to me for the errands at hand. I am too easily giving up my dreams. Everything gets a priority before the real thing. I prefer  to take care of everyday life, of the mundane instead of investing in my heart and soul.

I am thankful for this realization; not a pretty picture, but now that it put the mirror to my face, I have a chance to fix it. I made a resolution to not let anyone or anything take my attention away from my goal and I am thankful  I caught it early on and I got a chance to fix it and get back on track.   

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