Friday, September 23, 2011

Walking in the Rain

Day 248 – it is the equinox today, the day when day and night are the same length – 12 hours each. It is the official beginning of the autumn. My daughter stayed here yesterday, so we decided this morning to go out for coffee. We put on shorts and a light t-shirt and then I looked out through the window and saw how dark the sky is. By the time we got out it was pouring rain. We had two options, go upstairs and give up our plan or step into the rain. Of course we chose option two!! And so the three of us girls (we took our dog with us for the ride) just walked happily in a very heavy rain. In seconds we were wet through and through. We kept walking anyway and it was so much fun!! Needless to say we were the only people walking in the street at that moment. I didn’t do something like that since I was a teenager, and thinking about it now – I don’t see any reason why. It wasn’t on my bucket list, but it should have been there, I just forgot how much fun a little silliness can add to our way-too-serious lives. I don’t remember ever getting so much satisfaction from a short walk to a café – we were laughing the whole time; we were so proud of ourselves for this great idea.
I am thankful for a big dollop of silliness we dished ourselves today. I am thankful for daring to do things differently- it opens paths long forgotten; it fills our hearts with simple joy. I am thankful for creating one more memory from simple daily activities; I like collecting those jewels on the side of the roads.

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