Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Power of Love

Day 277 – Every time a new I am amazed to realize how little we really need to be happy. My parents’ place always puts it in perspective for me. They live in a tiny house in a very remote place and they have very little to their name. What they do have in endless amounts is love. We spent the weekend with them, and as I wrote yesterday my niece and her family were there as well, 8 people in a house that is probably less than 700sq ft (70sq. m), and I almost forgot – I also brought my dog so she was part of everything as well. And it didn’t feel cramped and it didn’t feel like too much and we had such a great time. And I think the only explanation to that is that when your heart is really open, when you are really happy for someone’s presence it doesn’t feel like a burden and this is what you project to them. We spend almost three hours eating breakfast and just talking and laughing and admiring the kids. My parents don’t have much money, but again, they have a big heart and it covers for everything else. I didn’t appreciate it enough when I was younger, and as I get older I can see it so much more. And years of living in the unofficial capitol of capitalism I know how much money and happiness are not synonyms, as much as some people want to believe it is, and how much a good heart can do to make one happy; How much it is really needed in this world.
I am thankful for a wonderful weekend. I am thankful for the love and warmth we enjoyed. I am thankful for the important lessons I can still get from my parents about being humble and being good. I am thankful for every day I get to see them and talk to them, it’s a gift I gave myself and my daughter after so many years away, to be surrounded by a loving family again.   

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