Day 65 - Last week I went to check about the Argentinian dancing class and found a very interesting class about self awareness and harmonious personal development - sounded intriguing enough to merit a second meeting, which I had today. They talked and found it very interesting and I can agree with many points and not understand so many more. But it sure sounds like something I would like to explore further. I like this kind of thinking, it works well for me. The question is if I can also get it on emotional and physical level - can I live more conscious and harmonious life? They referred me to a book - "In the search of the miraculous", so I got it and already started reading it. First chapter - it seems that the author is getting the same kind of answers as I did today. but is intrigued, as I am, to go deeper, at least for a while. I love delving into these kind of questions, asking about the meaning of our lives, how much are we living in a dream-like state, what kind of self work I have to do to increase the percentage of my "awake moments", how can I live in the moment? But this is the kind of work one cannot do alone (at least, I can't) and so I think I might actually try this group and see if it is what I am looking for. I took a class few months ago, that will end this coming Sunday, that did not work for me, so I think I am ready to try this one. I am thinking about it a lot lately, I find it very challenging to stay awake, and very easy to fall back into sleep. So yes, I was very awake coming here, but I can already feel the lull.
And so, today I am thankful for this random meeting last week, and yes, I know that nothing is random and it was meant to be, but I am very thankful for anything that helps me in the journey towards myself. I am thankful for a very intriguing meeting and for hours that I think about it later. I am thankful for a new opportunity to grow.
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