Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami

Day 52 - I was going to write about a lovely drive and the amazing flocks of storks I saw on the way, but when I got home I found out about the earthquake and the Tsunami in Japan. So for the past 2 hours I was reading about it and watching videos. It is mind-blowing to witness the forces of nature. We feel so strong and secured in our technology and the things we build and than comes such an event and puts everything in perspective. We are so little and powerless against these massive eruptions of sheer force, whether it's the shaking ground that moves or flatten buildings, bridges and roads, torrential rains that cause massive flooding  and land slides, or like today massive tsunami waves that wash everything in their way, houses, cars, boats. It brought back pictures of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, where so many lives were lost or changed forever. So I could of course be thankful for not being there, for being alive, but no, this is not what I want to say today. Facing such a tremendous destruction I have to find a way to reach out of my own little safe life and touch the lives of those less fortunate. Tomorrow it can be the other way around. And I should not sit here pretty just because it was not my turn this time. So, what is my personal take on such disasters? What can I do to alleviate the sufferings? How do I get involved? This is something I have to find out in the next few days. But this new wave of human suffering is what I needed to start moving in the direction of global social responsibility, an Idea I am playing with for a while now.
So today I am sending a prayer for all those who survived the tsunami and are safe even if shaken, and I am thankful for each and every life saved.

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