Sunday, March 11, 2012

The gift of Painting

Day 418 – We didn’t have art class on Thursday due to a local holiday and it was very disappointing for me. I love this class so much, and I really missed it, so I came today to the make-up class and finished the picture I started last week, which you can see posted here. I am still doing my first steps in the world of colors and I just mix colors and put them on the canvas with a very raw idea of what I want to paint. So my initial idea was a forest but I started with this tree in the middle and it somehow evolved into this orchestrated theme of colors and no forest just this lone tree. But it felt right and it felt done so I just stopped. And I came home and hung it on my wall and for the last two hours I sit here and every few minutes I look at it in disbelief. It looks like a real picture, like something I might even buy and I am the one who made it. Somehow it came from under my brushed. It’s magic. I keep saying all the time the Great Creator’s intervention. It’s not that I am a religious person, it is just that I cannot find a better name to explain, how some things will come from me that are better that I, with no help, can do. It is as if some creative force is channeled through me. It’s magic. I am looking at this picture and few others and they make me so happy.   
I am thankful I found this amazing class. I am thankful I found in me creative talent I never knew existed. I am thankful for this opportunity to try and improve. I am so thankful for this gift of painting, for this gift of art.   

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