Wednesday, March 28, 2012

In Search of Some Important Documents...

Day 435 – I finally decided after almost two years since I left home to finalize my divorce and not leave it in the realm of half-baked cake. And since I am not going to change my mind about not living with my ex-husband ever again, I don’t see a reason to stay married, even if we are legally separated. It sends the wrong message and for no reason, it feels wrong. In short, I decided that next time my ex coming to visit here we we’ll finalize the divorce. So I started to check about the procedure and I found out I need my marriage certificate. I started looking for it where I thought I left it but it’s not there. I looked everywhere and could not find it. so I started opening the last few boxes I still kept and I found a lot of cools stuff but not the documents I was looking for. I am now 4 hours later, I searched everywhere and I still cannot find it. I will have to get a copy of that – I’ll call tomorrow and check about it; but I have a house that is a little more organized and I have fewer boxes than before. I got rid of 2 boxes and put 3 out of the way. That is the reason they always say you have to believe in a higher plan I was looking for a piece of paper and I ended up “cleaning” a whole lot of paper and the whole house. How wonderful!!
I am thankful I am finally ready to admit that there is no going back, that I am going forward and decided to finalize my divorce. I am thankful that I got rid of so many boxes and so much paper today; so I guess I am thankful for misplacing my legal documents for that. I am thankful I can finally go to sleep. It’s almost 3 am here – way too late!!

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