Thursday, August 30, 2012

About Friedship

Day 589 - with only two more days left for my visit here my friend suggested I'll invite few friends here for a girl's night of cheese and wine. I gratefully accepted and so last night she sent an email and 6 women came for an evening most memorable. after everyone left she mentioned that it was very real and I felt the same. I guess that the circumstances and the small group brought on more honesty and deeper conversation, all welcome changes from the tip-toed talked we had so many times where you beat around the bushes and not realy dive into subjects less comfortable. But it is a very small community here and so every change create a lot of ripples in the pool. So I was not here but I am sure that my departure was the subject of many conversations in the first few month, and 8 months ago another couple split, again still the talk of town so many months later. So it is no wonder that family integrity and what is better for the parties involved adults and children. And of course also how is life for me over there and what with my youngest daughter and just chit chat, nice and easy. I kept saying in the past two years that friendships here are on the surface, but here we have a proof it might be a little bigger and deeper than that - those women came here in the middle of the week on less than 24 hours notice and in a country that 8 pm is late to go out. So yes, it might not have been as tight as I'd like it to be but I am sure that part of it is my fault, I was in a nightmarish place and had no energy to invest in these relationship. So I appreciate the gesture tonight even more. and it gave us all the excuse to sit back and enjoy the company of each other. A food for thought.
I am thankful to my friend for kindly offering her home in the middle of the week for a party. I am thankful to my friends who on such short notice attended it. I am thankful for all the kind words and the love they all surrounded me with. I am thankful for a wonderful morning with another friend and for a wonderful afternoon with my daughter and granddaughter. I am thankful for a wonderful phone call with my MF, I really needed it. I am thankful for yet another so special day. 

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