Day 191 – I’m writing now twice a day in the morning and I wake up especially for that at 5:30am, I am doing my 3 pages as per the program. At night, just before going to sleep, I am writing this blog. It is the beginning and the end of my day. One is more looking forward and the other – a summary. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It was meant to be just a way to touch my sub-conscious, and empty my head of the clutter. The blog is really a summary; a celebration for another day I woke up did my things, thought my thoughts and am about to go to bed. It designed to look at the highlights of my every day, the highlights of my life, as they unfold. To make sure that days will not blend into each other and each day will take its special place in the continuum that stretches in front of my very eyes. Every day with its little victories, each day with its special flavor; It became my journal, and I enjoy so much going back and reading it. So what was it today? The whole week I am planning to go to a beginner’s class for folk dances but for one reason or another, I didn’t do it. And today on my way back from work I did stop, as planned, in one of the places that offer the class, just to find out they don’t run it right now. But it was not in vain, first since making the first step is a celebration by itself, and also they had a display of painting that obviously where done by students, some of them really good – a second artist date in a week. And I found out that a new class with the same artist will start in September. I am not good at painting, but I think I’m in regardless. It is a good skill and a great way to touch my creativity.
And the last thing is that I started working on my book. I put the black whole intro and now I am actually working on the material. I finished the first chapter and I moved to the second. And again I really enjoy all these activities that are for my soul. I am making changes of course and editing, but I will keep the energy and the fresh eye untouched.
I am so thankful for a very productive and creative day. The funny thing is that I didn’t know it will turn out this way; I was very tired and at 8 pm was ready to check out. I am so thankful I did not allow the temptation to take over, that I am still awake, two hours later but with so much work of the heart done and I feel really good about it.