Dances on the Beach
Day 173 – all summer long they have folk dancing on the beach every Saturday night. I learned about it two years ago but somehow I never got around to actually go there. Yesterday night I decided that it is about time to check what it’s all about. I have to admit I didn’t expect what I found there – over hundred dancers and about twice as many spectators that most of them stepped in every few dances. It was so beautiful I had tears in my eyes. There was a big revival of folk dancing here in the years since we left and it became almost main stream activity. Hundreds of new dances were created to popular songs and you can see old folks dancing side by side with very young ones. The sad thing was that I loved folk dancing when I was younger and I used to dance it a lot, but I stood and watched the dances for two hours and I didn’t know a single dance (and also most of the songs). Here I almost cry from sadness. I asked myself, suddenly after all these years – what the hell was I thinking, how did I just got up and left and even worse than that – I never looked back. I was sure I will never come back here. What the hell was I thinking? This is who I am, the simple girl with simple dreams, who loves nature and especially the sea, who can cry from a beautiful sunset, a beautiful view, a group of people dancing, or the lyric or the melody of a song. How did I let foreign dreams become mine? I don’t know the answer and for a moment I was very sad I am so disconnected, but then I told myself that this is all in the past. And I am here now and I will catch up as much as I can and will become again part of this wonderful place. I am thankful for a very special evening of singing and dancing. I am thankful for this eye opening event. I am thankful for this opportunity to learn some very important things about myself. I am thankful I already learned not to dwell om past mistakes but look for present solutions instead.
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