An Evening Stroll
Day 181 – I left work today a little after 4pm. It was still bright and there are good 4 hours before darkness falls. I love the summer. It is warm and humid but when I get back from work I can still do things, it feels so right. I came home and unpacked another half box – not much but the important thing is to keep working at it until all is unpacked – had a little nap and then we went on a long stroll with our dog. We ate falafel, and went to a café for coffee, and just set there for over two hours talking and drinking this coffee. It was a serious conversation about family and everyone’s role in that circle, about challenges and setbacks. About the gift we get in life. All that time our dog was sitting on my daughter’s lap and having the time of her life. It was a serious conversation, emotional at times, but we like doing that, talk about expectations and behaviors, about responsibilities and what can one do to fulfill them. Where do we find the strength to accept that which we cannot change, how do we stay with an open heart when facing disappointments, how to stay positive and optimistic when things are not working as expected, as they should. I love doing that, having these serious and very meaningful conversations with my daughter. She is so smart and sensitive and mature way beyond her years. And this is what challenged do – develop strong personality, and high EQ. I know the subject was very difficult for her, but I enjoy this evening very much. I love spending time with her and hear her talk; I cherish this special bond we have.
I am thankful for a very special evening, a special treat after our long time apart. I am thankful for our dog companion that is so cute and silly and makes us both so happy to have her with us. I am thankful for this apartment located so well that is a walk away to all the important hang-out places in town; I am thankful for every challenge that brought me to this point, that made me who I am today.
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