Friday, July 22, 2011

Fleeting Moments

Day 185 – this morning I went to a funeral. The mother of my boss died yesterday and today was the funeral. She had a son who died in the army many years ago, and her husband died on the same date 20 years later and now she died at the age of 92. My boss said the eulogy and said that now she is the only one left from the family. It was very moving and it brought tears to my eyes. As I came out of the cemetery I called my parents. They are both getting older and their health is deteriorating and I feel lucky I can be here now and talk to them almost every day, see them as often as I can. We never know when is the last time we are going to talk to someone but in hindsight, so we have to make every time count, just so if it will be the last one, we won’t have regrets. The Buddhists say you should live your life as if every day is the last one, it helps living better, give more meaning to everything we do and concentrate on the important things, not on the pressing things. This is utopia and I know I don’t live like that, but every time I can remember it and for one second be in the moment and be present in my life, is a gift.
I am thankful I came here and so I can have a little more time with my parents after so many years I was away, I am thankful I can add dimension to our relationship and not keep it so shallow. I will have to concentrate more on doing the same with my older kids and not let the distance separate us too much. I am thankful I can go to sleep when everyone in my family is fine and I hope to wake up tomorrow to the same. Funerals are very sad but it is a constant reminder for us how fleeting every moment is. I am thankful for that reminder, I’ll try to remember it for a little longer this time.

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