Day 169 – what if every day of my life I have to do something good, something that is not for my benefit but for someone else, life might take a very different turn. I really cannot give one good reason why not to do that, and I can see so many reasons to do. It is not that I never do good, it is more about awareness, about paying attention to the moment and to make every day count. It can be as small as – I stopped near a crossing and let someone cross the road, or I gave someone the right of way even though it was mine, or I smiled to someone, or I thanked someone… and of course it can be big things but what I am saying the important thing is to get into the habit of thinking how to do good and spread the good around us. It makes the world a better place, even by such small gestures. So at the end of every day I have to count not only my blessings but also my good deeds and if I can think of none, I’ll have to get up and do something good. and one of the things I will be doing is to send a blessing to all my friends and to all the world, to send a positive energy out, because where there’s light darkness has to withdraw. I read a book a long time ago “a path with a heart” and today when I unpacked it I was reminded of the treasures it has to offer. So my meditation tonight will use a mantra from this book, a formula for loving-kindness. “May I be filled with loving-kindness.
May I be well.
May I be peaceful and at ease.
May I be happy”
It may sound silly, but it is very powerful stuff. So as part of my doing good, I will start practicing loving-kindness.
I am thankful that I can try to do some good in this world. I am thankful for every day that passes in higher awareness. I am thankful for the gifts I got, too numerous to count. I am thankful for this responsibility to find my gifts and use them to the benefit of all men.
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