Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Different Kind of Love Story

Day 557We spend a lot of time together, maybe too much. It is so easy to fall into this pattern. We really enjoy each other’s company and our kids are all grown up and don’t live with us, so no other demands on our time. But it is a sure way to burn through something real fast; so we took a day off today. I worked on my project a little more, did some necessary shopping and the best of all I went to the beach with a good book and read there, enjoying the afternoon sun for a few hours. It was so good just to be there all by myself and read. At the beginning I wanted to call a friend to join me but then I decided that I actually want to be alone. The book I was reading is very good - Kinshu by Teru Miyamoto, the weather was much better than I expected, judging from the way it felt at home, and the sea is always a treat. There are not enough words for me to properly describe this wonderful connection I have with this scenery of sandy beach and the waves that sometimes gently caressing it, at other times violently attacking it and all the different levels of gentleness in between; to describe the different kind of weather conditions I met here on the beach and how each one is special. It is really a love story of a woman to the sea she missed for so many years and cannot have enough of it. My daughter always makes fun of me for all the sunsets I photograph here on the beach but it all comes from the same place. My soul vibrated to the same wave length as the sea, it resonates in a very deep place inside me. I can never get tired of it or have enough of it. And I know this special feeling of being part of it all is not with every sea; I lived not far from the Pacific Ocean for many years and it didn’t have the same effect. My soul works on the same wave length as the Mediterranean the way it show itself here on the beaches of my beloved country, and so it brings me great solace, it has a meditative effect on me. I never want to be away from it again, and the truth is one of the main reasons I am looking at an apartment here in this city where I live right now is the proximity to the sea.

I am thankful for an afternoon on the beach. I am thankful I can enjoy it as much as I do, as much as I want. I am thankful I live so close to it; I never want to be far from it again. I am thankful for this unique gift to be able to feel so much part of nature, to have my heart vibrate to the same rithmus as the nature around me.

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