Monday, July 9, 2012

New Horizons

Day 538We had an amazing class today; detailed day by day trips to India, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. At the end of the class I felt I am ready to leave everything right now and just go there to spend a year between all these amazing places. I came home and seriously checked for a few hours the possibility to switch my project to Vietnam but after looking again into all the extra work it will require I decided to stay with my original plan to create a trip to Cambodia and after I’ll finish it I will create a trip to Vietnam as well. But I already decided on my planned I am doing a combined trip to both countries and my main focus will be Vietnam and not Cambodia. It is such a beautiful country that one can spend 2-3 weeks only there. I want to go to all these countries but I will have to do it one (or two) at a time. I also have to think about making money and not only spending it so I will have to find a way to make a living traveling, just as I originally planned when I decided to take this course. So the next few weeks I will have to start looking into that. If I am traveling to Cambodia and Vietnam around November I will be able to take a group there a month or two later. And just as I see it in my work I can always keep it fresh and interesting by going to different places every time or looking at the same thing from a new angle. But I know by now that I really like traveling here and abroad and I like sharing this love with people. One more piece of good news – I went yesterday for an interview as part of my application to join the course for local tour guides and today I got the phone call I was accepted. The truth is, I knew I did even before she called me. I could feel they liked the way I did it and responded well to me and to the interview in general, but I was very happy about this call. The class will start at the end of November, just as I come back from my trip. It will keep me busy for a while.
I am thankful for an amazing class today. I am thankful for new horizons open before my very eyes. I am thankful I can keep dreaming and planning and have this burning desire in me to learn and develop. I am thankful for being accepted to the Israel tour guides course.  

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