Sunday, July 29, 2012


Day 558Today is a fasting day to mark the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the Roman Empire. We are not at all religious, my daughter and I, but it is still a lot of fun to fast; so this is what we did. Starting the fast yesterday evening and ending it 24 hours later. I went to work really early today so by 2 pm I was already done and we could spend the afternoon together and it was lovely. Two hours before the end of the fasting we went to see a movie “To Rome with Love” – beautiful scenery but not an amazing movie; still, it was a fun way to pass the last two hours of our fasting and getting out of the theater we went to a burger joint in the same mall and ate a nice meal. My daughter also signed today a contract for her first job after the military, so we had few good reasons to celebrate. And I am sure you got it by now, we really don’t need a special reason to celebrate; we try to do it as much as we can. We were very proud of ourselves for accomplishing the fast, for her contract, achieving something she is dreaming about for years and it’s suddenly very real; we got an extra day to spend together – so many reasons to be happy; so many reasons to be thankful for our good fortune. It was a very pleasant evening. And given the fact that we both know this honeymoon period is coming to its end and life will take us in different directions we try to spend some quality time together.
I am thankful for a wonderful day I got to spend with my daughter. I am thankful that we both can find lightness and fun even in the most difficult situations, let along such a pleasant day as today.  I am thankful for fasting without much difficulties, for celebrating without restrictions, and for all the good coming our way for daring to think big and to go for it. And I am thankful it is not easy for me to spend another day without seeing him; it doesn’t stop amazing me how involved I am getting, much more than I care to admit, and every phone call, I am so happy to receive, makes it so obvious that I do, and it seems to me he does care about me very much too.       

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