Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another day, another story

Day 604 - I did n't write much yesterday; I was a little disappointed about the house. As I wrote the realtor made a little mistake and from something very affordable and totally making sense it turned into something I cannot even consider. It's not the end of the world, but add to it some issues I am having with my MF, issues that are getting bigger and a little more than I can handle and you have a recipe for an upset me. But today is the last working day before our New Year and every body was congratulating each other and the atmosphere was very festive and I already felt better. In the afternoon I met my realtor to see few more apartments and the first one I saw, I came out of it and told him That this is the one I was looking for, I want to see numbers and facts and if it's good I am going to put an offer on it. I love the layout, I love how open and airy it is, and I love the view of the sea from the living room and the breeze. So I am obviously a little nervous. I will probably be much more in a few days if my offer will be accepted, but I am also very excited. I might be able to have my own place, which will take a big load off my shoulders. This way I know that even if I won't have much money in the future, at least I don't have to worry about my housing and it is a saving that in an emergency I will be able to use it as a last resort. It also means that I can do there what ever I want paint, get the right furniture, have it my way. So of course I am ahead of the game and as I earned only yesterday, I will not start making plans until it is actually mine, but this something I am very excited about right now. On top of it I had my first painting class today and as usual, it was great. And my daughter decided to stay here tonight so we got to spend few hours together, talking, watching a movie and just hanging out - always great, even if I had little crashes every once in a while. A good day, a very good day. 
I am thankful for another day and another opportunity; for a window that opens when a door was shut. I am thankful I can afford to do this house hunting and to enjoy it as much. I am thankful to my friends in class; it is so wonderful to come back and be happy to see all those familiar faces. I am thankful to my daughter for spending the night here. I am thankful for an amazing year that is almost over and hope for even a better one ahead. I am thankful for my life, my happiness and especially the wonderful people in my life who make it such.

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